Hello, I'm Emothic. First let me say that I really enjoy learning about the Lore of the Elder Scrolls universe, and spend great amount of time learning what I can. However there is one bit of lore that I cannot seem to find. The lore of which I am seeking is the outcome of the war between the three alliances of Elder Scrolls Online. I do know the events that led up to the war, but cannot find the events of its end and beyond. What I'm seeking is: How did the war end, was there a victor, what happend in the years/decades/centuries after the war?
I had always though that the war ended when Talos, or also known as Tiber Septum, activated a giant Dwemer machine using the heart of Lorkhan (or the dead gods heart deep inside Red Mountain) to power it. Using it to defeat the three alliances and claiming Cyriodil for his own. But in my research I found that I was completely wrong, as Talos was born between 250 - 300 years after the war.And as such my research has hit a wall, as I cannot find any information of what happend after the war.
Does anyone know what happend after the war of the Three Alliances, who or if anyone won, and the effects it had on Tamerial during the aftermath? Also if there is no information to be found, what are some theories you might have to what happend afterwards?
In 3E 417, events stemming from the death of King Lysandus of Daggerfall set in motion an upheaval in Hammerfell and High Rock. This event is called the Warp in the West, the Miracle of Peace,[1] or the Second Numidian Effect.[OOG 1] An unknown hero, who is believed to have been an agent of the Blades, gained control of a mighty artifact known as the Totem of Tiber Septim.[1] While unable to use it themselves, it is believed that the major factions of the Iliac region engaged in a bidding war, attempting to purchase the artifact. In the end, Sentinel, Wayrest, Daggerfall, Orsinium, and the Emperor all gained control of this artifact and used it to control Numidium and thus consolidate their political powers, somehow at the same exact time.[1] On the 9th of Frostfall, there were forty-four citystates. On the 11th, after a number of mysterious cataclysms and anomalies, there were only four, Sentinel, Wayrest, Daggerfall, and Orsinium, all swearing loyalty to the Emperor.
Other consequences of the totem's usage have had less well-known ramifications. It is believed that Mannimarco, the King of Worms, used the totem to give himself the power of a god. The Underking is believed to have reclaimed his heart using the totem, giving him the death he had sought for so long and creating an anti-magic zone in a several mile radius around the area. The agent of the Blades is believed to have been killed in the process
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »IMO the Events of ESO are a Dragon Break
AEAltadoonPadhome wrote: »RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »IMO the Events of ESO are a Dragon Break
Then where in ESO can I see the Blue Star shining in the sky?
Different Dominion. That's the Second Dominion, which was founded in 2E 830. Which means that Ayrenn's Dominion must have been long gone by then.Silver_Strider wrote: »Well, Tiber Septim uses Numidium to defeat the Aldmeri Dominion of the 2nd era.
Leads me to believe AD ultimately won the War, til Talos came in with Death Bot Timelord.
I thought Mnemoli was only present during the Middle Dawn Dragon Break? She doesn't need to be in all of them.AEAltadoonPadhome wrote: »Then where in ESO can I see the Blue Star shining in the sky?RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »IMO the Events of ESO are a Dragon Break
Retcons require retroactively changing existing lore continuity. There wasn't any lore for the mid-Second Era at all (aside from the Knahaten Flu), so there's nothing for them to retcon; they're just filling in empty space.There's nothing official yet because the events of ESO are all retcon
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »IMO the Events of ESO are a Dragon Break
This is hinted at many times during the main quest:
- When Varen prays to Akatrosh to open a portal out of Coldharbor in the beginning and drops the Skyshard fragment
- When they use the Amulet of Kings in Coldharbor(A place it has no power as its bound to Nirn) yet it gives the Vestige power anyways.
All these things could not happen under normal circumstances because the Aedra have ZERO power in the Daedric realms and all their power is bound to Nirn.
There is precdent for this sorta thing though
If you played TES Daggerfall the game has many possible endings. All of these endings were possible yet none of them really happened...they were all merely the conclusion of many possible endings.
In 3E 417, events stemming from the death of King Lysandus of Daggerfall set in motion an upheaval in Hammerfell and High Rock. This event is called the Warp in the West, the Miracle of Peace,[1] or the Second Numidian Effect.[OOG 1] An unknown hero, who is believed to have been an agent of the Blades, gained control of a mighty artifact known as the Totem of Tiber Septim.[1] While unable to use it themselves, it is believed that the major factions of the Iliac region engaged in a bidding war, attempting to purchase the artifact. In the end, Sentinel, Wayrest, Daggerfall, Orsinium, and the Emperor all gained control of this artifact and used it to control Numidium and thus consolidate their political powers, somehow at the same exact time.[1] On the 9th of Frostfall, there were forty-four citystates. On the 11th, after a number of mysterious cataclysms and anomalies, there were only four, Sentinel, Wayrest, Daggerfall, and Orsinium, all swearing loyalty to the Emperor.
Other consequences of the totem's usage have had less well-known ramifications. It is believed that Mannimarco, the King of Worms, used the totem to give himself the power of a god. The Underking is believed to have reclaimed his heart using the totem, giving him the death he had sought for so long and creating an anti-magic zone in a several mile radius around the area. The agent of the Blades is believed to have been killed in the process
So the last Dragon Break(the Warp in the West) saw Sentinel, Wayrest, Daggerfall, Orsinium, Mannimarco, and the Underking all the the use the Totem of Tiber Septim at the same time, and at the same time multiple possible outcomes all coming to fruition.
(Such as Mannimarco ascending to become the God of the Necromancer(The Necromancers Moon appears in the Sky after this event) and leaving a weak mortal version of himself behind) Because of the Dragon Break Mannimacro is both a mortal and a god....event after the events of Oblivion Mannimarco comes in the dreams of those he deems worthy and teaches them the secrets to becoming a Lich, and the Shade of Revenent still occurs where Mannimacro uses his powers to Block Arkay's power temporarily to allow the the creation of Black Soul gems to trap the souls of sentient beings(man,mer, and beastfolk)
So the Events of ESO do happen, but they are just one of many possible realities....just like in the Warp in the West..Mannimacro fails to become a God in all but one of the possibilities, but because he succeeds in one of the possible outcomes, he stays as the God of Necromancer, and the Necromancers Moon appeears in the Sky and stays there, and he is able to speak to those he feels worthy and grant them power as well as allowing them to create Black Soul gems.
Nirn is a giant clustered mess at this time, with the Dragon Fire out, and everyhting else...Akatosh is very well stirring in his dream right now on the brink of waking up, for that reason time is being sundered left and right, and many possible alternate outcomes are being created right before us....all of them are cannon, yet none of them happen...such is the way of the Dragon Break.
Exactly. This "Interregnum" era is pretty much empty of lore... so they can fill it with whatever they like, as long as its not something that contradicts later lore (like a return of the dwemer, or dragons...). And the "daedric forces taking advantage of a time of troubles" shtick likely will get some more use during the future of ESO, they pretty much accounced as much in several conversations.Retcons require retroactively changing existing lore continuity. There wasn't any lore for the mid-Second Era at all (aside from the Knahaten Flu), so there's nothing for them to retcon; they're just filling in empty space.There's nothing official yet because the events of ESO are all retcon
Retcons require retroactively changing existing lore continuity. There wasn't any lore for the mid-Second Era at all (aside from the Knahaten Flu), so there's nothing for them to retcon; they're just filling in empty space.There's nothing official yet because the events of ESO are all retcon
Although I'm an Ebonheart boy, I would say judging by the fact that the Dominion exists as late as Skyrim's timeline (albeit reformed multiple times during that course of history), that the Dominion likely 'wins' the alliance war and basically dominates Tamriel into the future.
Unless I'm wrong - and if I am somebody please correct me - the Dominion is the only faction that exists outside of ESO and so that's why I believe how I do.
How so? It uses the same premise; no Dragonfires, so Tamriel is open to invasion. This time around, Molag Bal got there first; next time, Dagon gets there first.It is a retcon because it pretty much goes against the whole plot of Oblivion.Retcons require retroactively changing existing lore continuity. There wasn't any lore for the mid-Second Era at all (aside from the Knahaten Flu), so there's nothing for them to retcon; they're just filling in empty space.There's nothing official yet because the events of ESO are all retcon