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Online ESO gold buyers

Is this an issue ZOS is concerned or doing anything about? I just read an entire FB post on who from and where to purchase in game gold. Is this cheating?
  • Vipstaakki
    Selling ESO gold for real life money is forbidden by the ZOS TOS.
    The best you can do is to forward this information to ZOS, sit and wait.

    So to answer your question, yes, it is cheating.
  • Blackbird_V
    Yeah any form of Black Marketing (as I call it) is forbidden.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • Jim_Pipp
    As mentioned above, paying for online gold with real life money is definitely cheating and you could be banned for it. Advertising to sell online items outside of the game is also technically against the TOS, but realistically it is beyond ZOS to police other websites, so do not expect them to chase after whoever you saw on facebook.
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • Runs
    If you would like to buy gold the legal way, wait 2 days buy the crown store exclusive motif and then charge people gold to make it for them. $ to gold, legally.
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • Iselin
    It has been a part of MMOs as long as they have existed. The more popular the game, the more it happens. Many games just joined them when they couldn't beat them by introducing their own forms of legalized cash for gold... even WOW now.
  • Rva_Kun
    Gold buyers lol gold is so easy to make tho.
    Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
    Fear Over The Internet = Priceless.
    Correcting Ego's Since 03'
    NA > EU

  • Danikat
    It's not only against the TOS but also technically illegal since they're selling either intellectual property or services (not sure which category gold falls into) which does not belong to them.

    Unfortunately the majority of gold sellers make sure to operate from a different country to the game/s they're targeting, and international policing is complicated enough that no one bothers for something like this.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Edziu
    while you are selling gold this gold still belongs to devs of this game, while you selling this gold you really selling time to get this amount of gold
  • Aletheion
    Edziu wrote: »
    while you are selling gold this gold still belongs to devs of this game, while you selling this gold you really selling time to get this amount of gold

    Spoken like a true gold farmer.

    "I'm not selling the gold, which belongs to you Zenni. I'm selling my time, which belongs to me."


  • Riejael
    Is this an issue ZOS is concerned or doing anything about? I just read an entire FB post on who from and where to purchase in game gold. Is this cheating?

    The way for ZOS to deal with it, isn't one many here would like. WoW and EQ have effectively dealt with it. Simply by getting into the business themselves and doing it in a manner that 3rd party sites can't compete.

    WoW Tokens and Kronos are items that can be purchased from their stores for slightly more than a monthly sub fee. When consumed they give a month of membership. They can be traded in game. WoW tokens have to be sold on a AH and for a price determined by the system. The more that are sold in a given time, the higher the price goes, the less they sell, the lower the price (I've seen them as low as 28k gold, and as high as 56k, they cannot be traded for items directly). Kronos in EQ and EQ2 are sold or traded like every other item (prices vary by server.. on older servers they can go for 600-900k plat, and I've seen them as low as 2000pp on a new progression server.. I've also seen items bought with 2-5 of them).

    For something similar in ESO. There'd have to be more benefits to ESO plus. Or they'd have to allow such an item be consumed for crowns as an alternative.

    But of course your staunch purists will hate this idea. However I've never seen any evidence of such systems being a detriment to the games they are introduced in. They ARE effective at doing their intended roles. And they give F2P members benefits they normally couldn't afford.. simply by playing the game. While newer players with a bit of money to toss at ESO (which helps everyone) can get a nice headstart. As long as it doesn't spawn gold out of the system and instead comes directly from players, it won't hurt the economy.
  • AzuraKin
    Runs wrote: »
    If you would like to buy gold the legal way, wait 2 days buy the crown store exclusive motif and then charge people gold to make it for them. $ to gold, legally.

    rofl why buy gold at all when it super easy to get.
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 battlemage (sorcerer)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 warrior (DragonKnight)
    v160 assassin (nightblade)
    v160 swordsman (sorcerer)
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
  • Zouni
    Thus the reason for these large trading guilds..they really mean business.
    Nyxtes - NB
    Nyxta - Sorc
    Mastrofonoss - DK
    Gr Blue - Temp
  • Edziu
    at all "Jagex" has done 1 nice thing in "Runescape" which gived him some more money and a bit stoppedbuying/selling gold in small amounts, they added to the game a thing which you can buy by real money and then you exanche it for:
    - 2 weeks of "premium"
    - or to certain amount of runecoins (something like crown to crown store in ESO)
    - or tickets into "gambling old wheel of fortune" (so like crown crates)
    - or sell it to other player for game gold *** will exchange thix thing into one of above bonuses

    p2w or not....but someone who have much game gold can buy it for just ESO+ then or crowns if he dont have to much real money or dont want spend more real money for things like this while someone other who have real money to spen he will but then this "thing" to just sell it to other player to get more gold in short time with giving more money into zeni instead of buying "illegal" gold from other player if it is that very illegal ;)
  • Elladan_Eloheimik
    Yep. I have seen some internet sites that look like they are ESO official and offer 5 Million game gold for about $1000 real money. I like this Hobby-Game but not that much. In about a year of regular active play I have acquired just over 1m game gold with lots of in game hard work.

    PS How's it going Covert?
    # JothanTheGreat

    XB1 NA


    Guild - Wrath of Aldmeri
  • EnviousStruggle
    the fact is
    ZOS never banning a buyer
    only a seller

  • mb10
    Maybe I am a hater but I'm starting to think this is quite common.

    I refuse to believe all these people that run in all gold gear that ONLY ever PVP and have multiple accounts did it in a legitimate way.

  • Hand_Bacon
    Riejael wrote: »
    The way for ZOS to deal with it, isn't one many here would like. WoW and EQ have effectively dealt with it. Simply by getting into the business themselves and doing it in a manner that 3rd party sites can't compete.

    WoW Tokens and Kronos are items that can be purchased from their stores for slightly more than a monthly sub fee. When consumed they give a month of membership.

    Some guilds used to auction game time cards for ridiculous amounts of gold. I'm not sure if they are still available though.
  • mb10
    Edziu wrote: »
    at all "Jagex" has done 1 nice thing in "Runescape" which gived him some more money and a bit stoppedbuying/selling gold in small amounts, they added to the game a thing which you can buy by real money and then you exanche it for:
    - 2 weeks of "premium"
    - or to certain amount of runecoins (something like crown to crown store in ESO)
    - or tickets into "gambling old wheel of fortune" (so like crown crates)
    - or sell it to other player for game gold *** will exchange thix thing into one of above bonuses

    p2w or not....but someone who have much game gold can buy it for just ESO+ then or crowns if he dont have to much real money or dont want spend more real money for things like this while someone other who have real money to spen he will but then this "thing" to just sell it to other player to get more gold in short time with giving more money into zeni instead of buying "illegal" gold from other player if it is that very illegal ;)

    @Edziu I played runescape back in like 2007 times and Jagex detroyed their own game trying to combat real world trading.
    Banning and nerfing every aspect of the game it was ridiculous. Dueling, PVP, trade limits etc everything was cut short or off completely in a period of months.

    Most people quit after their stupid idiotic decision making and planning. They lost so much money and loyal players that they went back on their decisions years later but it was too late by then.

  • Axoinus
    mb10 wrote: »
    Maybe I am a hater but I'm starting to think this is quite common.

    I refuse to believe all these people that run in all gold gear that ONLY ever PVP and have multiple accounts did it in a legitimate way.

    Very unlikely. Based on the pricing that is out there on gold, you'd be talking about hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Only people that would buy gold would be newer folks that haven't put in the time to L2P yet.
  • CaineCarver
    I have done a lot of online gaming over the years and many games try to curb gold/item sales with various methods. I am not for or against players buying/selling to each other for cash. As long as the gold/item are legit, made in game and not duplicated somehow I dont think it really hurts or helps the game. What I do think is silly is making rules you do not have the means to police. ZOS basically is relying on fear of bans and player reporting ...when is the last time you knew anyone banned for this? From what I have been told it is big business on the console platforms right now but not so much on the PC (seems PC players have enough gold lol).

    The longer running games seem to concentrate on banning exploiters and bots. They leave players to deal with real life issues that take place out of their reach. I would rather see ZOS put the work effort into tracking down exploiters and bots rather than running down Facebook gold sellers that will simply get different accounts and be back in business a day later even if they do ban them.

    just my two cents/gold lol
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