Do you need the Psijic Ambrosia scroll (gold scroll) on you to find Aetherial Dust?

There seems to be some confusion in my guild about this matter. Some say yes, others say no. Help!
  • arvilla
    No, the only two aetherial dust I've found, have been with characters who don't have or know the recipe.
  • Gracous
    Good to know, thanks!
  • rentalman UK
    rentalman UK
    Hi just thought I would add

    Most the players that I have noticed finding the dust are very low level and medium level characters. On asking them 1 was on a level 3 and found it on a rune stone with a kuta no provising ranks no ranks at all but still found it. I find most max capped players not finding it.

    As a fallacy I have the recepie on me a dust that I brought for 80k and 4 ambrosia potions. And apart from the one I brought. Nothing not a bean

    Good luck

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