DCing on Loading Screens

Soul Shriven
So, does anyone else frequently disconnect when trying to log onto a character, or switching zones? It seems like almost any time there is a loading screen involved, i disconnect about 1/2 to 2/3 of the time, which is extremely annoying. Makes it practically impossible to grind Exp in places like Skyreach Catacombs, due to the frequent zoning in and out of the dungeon, which results in disconnects. I have even disabled all of my Addons, and it still frequently disconnects. This is on the NA PC server btw. I suspect it may have something to do with my slow, boonies (live outside of town) internet.
Has anyone had a similar problem, and been able to fix it?
  • Dragonblood567
    Soul Shriven
    couldn't even play the game one time. I tried to start since June 2016. After selecting a charakter and pressing play button, game crashed and I immediately got the message "fatal error". THIS DOES NOT AMUSE ME!!!
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