Destinations Add-On

I use the "default" display because the others don't blend in with the other thingies on the map. However, I noticed that they're pretty weird sometimes. For example, when I was doing some PvE in Cyrodiil, some just disappear after I discovered them and some weren't even displayed at all. Is that a bug in the addon or did I mess up my settings? If anyone uses Destinations and could tell me what's up, I'd be forever grateful. xD
  • SirAndy
    Destinations only shows you stuff you haven't discovered yet. Once discovered, the standard ESO display takes over.

    In Cyrodiil any PvE related icons are HIDDEN by default.
    Meaning, they won't show on the map even if discovered.
    You have to switch them on using your standard ESO map filters, which is the funnel looking icon tab in the map options to the right of the map.

    Edited by SirAndy on December 10, 2016 10:17PM
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