Vsynk question/FPS

Do you guys keep Vsynk on or off?

I followed this guide to optimize fps in eso, and it said to turn Vsynk on in the Nvidia Control Panel (with tripple B) and Off in game.So bassicly it was on and my fps was locked at 60.Game looked smooth BUT when im in pvp the fps drops to 25-30.

With vsynk off (both game and Nvidia) my fps is around 100 all the time, cant really tell the difference other then some screen tearing (maybe my brian plays tricks on me and i keep feeling liek it looks worse)

Fps will drop in pvp (havent tested yet) but i wonder if whatever drop i get will eb ebtter then with Vsynk on, or if, depsite slight fps improvement, it will feel the exact same.
  • Nestor
    Here is the thing. Frame Rates are going to fluctuate, nothing you can do about it. Does not matter what hardware your going to throw at it.

    What you can do is minimize the visual impact of the frame rate drop. This is why a lot of people will clamp their framerates in games to something in the 50 to 60 range. Its still smooth and the drop to 40 is less noticeable than going from 100 to 40. PvP, your going to drop to 25, or even lower, nothing you can do about it, there are no settings to tweak. Also, without Vsync, you can get the screen tearing that you are seeing. So, where to set things, where ever they look the smoothest overall to you.

    The other issue is, is the Nvidia Control Panel the best thing to run with the game. It may or may not be, your mileage will vary. I tend to not use Video Card Control panels as those are just one more thing to get in the way of the game. They may work just fine for you. The Nvidia Experience is a known problem for this and other games, so you may not want that one at all. This should be a separate program from the Control Panel.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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