Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Magicka DK PvP Gear

  • Moglijuana
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    BSW is on average 529 spell damage and then you need a mega sustain set that usually doesn't have any damage on it. If you can run a sustain set without also having to use sustain glyphs on your Jewelry than definitely go BSW. If not there is a much simpler way to the same place.

    Kags heavy armor has 222 spell damage and 122 recovery
    Bloodthorn 129 spell damage and 129 recovery plus 660 stamina and magicka every 5seconds.
    Total 351 spell damage
    + 1 additional Jewelry damage glyph 174
    Total 525 100% of the time. It's only 4 shy of BSW if you can replace 1 sustain glyph for damage. You can also go and buy or easily farm for the Bloodthorn piece you want, where as farming the BSW weapon pieces will be abysmal. I use all damage glyphs for my jewelry.

    This is the route I took for solo mDK because I am a nord with no racial magicka sustain. Between resto heavies, HA passive, the magicka return from a VMA resto staff, and bloodspawn you can cover your magicka with just a bloodspawn. The stam return is really nice as well for S/B solo mDK.

    It's a very cheap and simple route to the same place but only if you can swap out a non damage glyph. Only you know your sustain best so think about what you have to run now and consider which is the right path for you and how you play.

    Interesting, that's the same you get from Silks of the sun without procs (and only on fire attacks)

    Naw Sun only gives you 400 SD but is always active (and only on flame abilities). BSW is a bit stronger as it applies to all spells, but the window to use it is a bit small if you don't pay attention.

    OP, I'm currently running BOTH BSW & Silks of the Sun + Skoria. Sustain is kind of "meh" but with a good small group (and hopefully someone guarding you lol) you WILL MOW PEOPLE DOWN LIKE A HOT KNIFE THROUGH BUTTER.
    Edited by Moglijuana on December 9, 2016 8:15PM
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:https://youtu.be/WZp_IdyrL6Q
  • Armitas
    Adenoma wrote: »
    I've been torn on whether to run a resto. I have a defending VMA resto, but can't find space on my bars to run rapid regen. Thoughts on S&B/resto?

    @Armitas , that's exactly the reason I opted for BSW rather than sun.

    I run S&B/resto. It's pretty good if you are tanky, even better if you crit a lot. iirc mine crits around 1300. I am usually at or close to mit cap when I fight and I block liberally while minor maiming everything around me so I'm taking small hits that RR can completely erase. If you take lots of spike damage it won't be worth it.

    I also use Blessing of Resto. It's a really fast spam heal and heals a lot when it crits. What's really nice about it is that it also heals other people. So if you are out there solo you can help keep the numbers in your favor if that random person beside you is about to go down you can keep him up.

    I have tested Obsidian shard and it really is an incredible heal. It heals for a lot more than Blessing of resto and it's a long CC with a huge range and fires immediately. It's only downside is being dodged and travel time before the heal. If you don't have a resto I'd definitely give it a try. When I get ganked I break free immediately, hold block and spam shard and heal back up to full to reset the gank. So it's another good option if you don't run a resto.

    The other cool thing about the resto staff is that it stacks with the heavy armor that increases magicka return on a heavy attack 1 channel restores a huge amount of magicka. Just talon channel and back away. There is even a small heal at the end of the channel as well as the major mending.
    Edited by Armitas on December 9, 2016 8:50PM
    Nord mDK
  • Crom_CCCXVI
    Nothing worse than when you play something for a year+ like Magika DK and you love being a rare class, and then it becomes the META..............
  • EldritchPenguin
    Nothing worse than when you play something for a year+ like Magika DK and you love being a rare class, and then it becomes the META..............
    Eh. I'm going to keep playing my class through thick and thin. I don't care much if people think I'm only playing a DK to be part of a fad, because I'll play a DK regardless, and the meta chasers will drop the class the moment a better option appears.
    Lilelle Adlis - Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Vaynothah Sailenar - Dark Elf Templar

    Sherivah Telvanni - Dark Elf Sorcerer

    Nephiah Telvanni - Dark Elf Nightblade
  • Belicourt
    Nothing worse than when you play something for a year+ like Magika DK and you love being a rare class, and then it becomes the META..............
    Eh. I'm going to keep playing my class through thick and thin. I don't care much if people think I'm only playing a DK to be part of a fad, because I'll play a DK regardless, and the meta chasers will drop the class the moment a better option appears.

    Agreed. Meta chasers will burn! Cant wait to see them attempt the play style. Dk still doesnt have their house of pain back, but they will in the hands of a good player.
  • Lokey0024
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    BSW is on average 529 spell damage and then you need a mega sustain set that usually doesn't have any damage on it. If you can run a sustain set without also having to use sustain glyphs on your Jewelry than definitely go BSW. If not there is a much simpler way to the same place.

    Kags heavy armor has 222 spell damage and 122 recovery
    Bloodthorn 129 spell damage and 129 recovery plus 660 stamina and magicka every 5seconds.
    Total 351 spell damage
    + 1 additional Jewelry damage glyph 174
    Total 525 100% of the time. It's only 4 shy of BSW if you can replace 1 sustain glyph for damage. You can also go and buy or easily farm for the Bloodthorn piece you want, where as farming the BSW weapon pieces will be abysmal. I use all damage glyphs for my jewelry.

    This is the route I took for solo mDK because I am a nord with no racial magicka sustain. Between resto heavies, HA passive, the magicka return from a VMA resto staff, and bloodspawn you can cover your magicka with just a bloodspawn. The stam return is really nice as well for S/B solo mDK.

    It's a very cheap and simple route to the same place but only if you can swap out a non damage glyph. Only you know your sustain best so think about what you have to run now and consider which is the right path for you and how you play.

    Interesting, that's the same you get from Silks of the sun without procs (and only on fire attacks)

    Naw Sun only gives you 400 SD but is always active (and only on flame abilities). BSW is a bit stronger as it applies to all spells, but the window to use it is a bit small if you don't pay attention.

    OP, I'm currently running BOTH BSW & Silks of the Sun + Skoria. Sustain is kind of "meh" but with a good small group (and hopefully someone guarding you lol) you WILL MOW PEOPLE DOWN LIKE A HOT KNIFE THROUGH BUTTER.

    This hot knife thru butter combo you speak of, is it as fast as a dizzying swing crit rush med weave dawnbreaker execute? If not then i think the better analogy is hot sunlight thru butter, because it takes a while.
  • Quickline
    try grothdarr, rattlecage and desert rose, I just love it! If you want check out my video, there are some 1vsX and 2vsX fights with this set up :).

  • Savos_Saren
    I didn't see anyone mention this... but I use 5 Akavriri Dragonguard, 5 Burning Spellweave, and 2 Valkyn Skoria.

    My front bar is my Sword/Shield:
    Burning Embers, Flame Lash, Volitile Armor, Burning Talons, Eruption. Ulti: Take Flight

    My back bar is Inferno Staff
    Dragon Fire Scales, Force Pulse, Inner Light, Molten Armaments, Wall of Elements. Ulti: Elemental Storm

    When I have Sword/Shield equipped, I've got both sets active. When I'm on my Destro bar- I've got BSW active.

    Edited by Savos_Saren on January 1, 2017 1:33AM
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • CMurder435
    jaburns wrote: »
    I didn't see anyone mention this... but I use 5 Akavriri Dragonguard, 5 Burning Spellweave, and 2 Valkyn Skoria.

    My front bar is my Sword/Shield:
    Burning Embers, Flame Lash, Volitile Armor, Burning Talons, Eruption. Ulti: Take Flight

    My back bar is Inferno Staff
    Dragon Fire Scales, Force Pulse, Inner Light, Molten Armaments, Wall of Elements. Ulti: Elemental Storm

    When I have Sword/Shield equipped, I've got both sets active. When I'm on my Destro bar- I've got BSW active.


    I don't understand. I used sword n board plus destro for a long time with certain set ups but your pic shows ur doing this with zero crit resist and your stam pool is so small I couldn't see you permablocking much. No resto no Dragon blood no harness no igneous no shuffle no mist form. There's no way to PvP like that. Maybe if u PvP +10 with dedicated healer(s) but otherwise..idk
    Edited by CMurder435 on January 1, 2017 7:58AM
  • Savos_Saren
    CMurder435 wrote: »
    jaburns wrote: »
    I didn't see anyone mention this... but I use 5 Akavriri Dragonguard, 5 Burning Spellweave, and 2 Valkyn Skoria.

    My front bar is my Sword/Shield:
    Burning Embers, Flame Lash, Volitile Armor, Burning Talons, Eruption. Ulti: Take Flight

    My back bar is Inferno Staff
    Dragon Fire Scales, Force Pulse, Inner Light, Molten Armaments, Wall of Elements. Ulti: Elemental Storm

    When I have Sword/Shield equipped, I've got both sets active. When I'm on my Destro bar- I've got BSW active.


    I don't understand. I used sword n board plus destro for a long time with certain set ups but your pic shows ur doing this with zero crit resist and your stam pool is so small I couldn't see you permablocking much. No resto no Dragon blood no harness no igneous no shuffle no mist form. There's no way to PvP like that. Maybe if u PvP +10 with dedicated healer(s) but otherwise..idk


    You're absolutely right! I accidentally posted my PVE picture in stead of my PVP! Here we go:


    I don't have that gear full legendary- so the stats are a little off from the first picture. I only run with ~1000 crit resist because I keep Dragon Fire Scales up for ranged fights. When I'm within melee range- I use Talons, Eruption, and Volatile Armor to CC enemies and tag them with Burning Embers (for the constant refreshing heals) while my teammates burn them down.
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • Calboy
    Anyone running a successful light armor mdk in pvp? I've got a set of skoria in light so I'm trying to build around that because it really gives my dk some needed burst but to run heavy I then have to have heavy gloves and belt and I'm thinking maybe I'm better off running 2h/5l. Have experimented with trainee and sun going 1h/6l with some success due to my huge health pool but am too susceptible to burst, the trainee stats are really hard to give up however.

    My alternative to skoria is a heavy set of bloodspawn and malubeth.

    My golded weapons and include spinners, magnus, trainee and seducer so to build around those would be beneficial. Any ideas? Cheers
  • BlackMadara
    Calboy wrote: »
    Anyone running a successful light armor mdk in pvp? I've got a set of skoria in light so I'm trying to build around that because it really gives my dk some needed burst but to run heavy I then have to have heavy gloves and belt and I'm thinking maybe I'm better off running 2h/5l. Have experimented with trainee and sun going 1h/6l with some success due to my huge health pool but am too susceptible to burst, the trainee stats are really hard to give up however.

    My alternative to skoria is a heavy set of bloodspawn and malubeth.

    My golded weapons and include spinners, magnus, trainee and seducer so to build around those would be beneficial. Any ideas? Cheers

    I believe blobs runs trainee and bsw in light armor. I've been testing out a light armor build myself that has been working pretty well.

    Currently I'm 1H 6L but will change that to 5-1-1 once I have undaunted leveled.

    5 BSW 5 Seducer 2 IG all impen if possible with Dual swords front bar (prefer sharpened but I have a charged bsw dagger, I also plan on trying inferno staff once I get a bsw drop) and defending resto back (tried other traits but this had worked the best so far). Seducer only active on my back bar because wards are expensive. I'm still teating the best way to put the armor on and might try lich. I'm still in all purple because I'm poor.

    Now this build focuses on single target burst, and it's very possible with a DK despite popular belief. Running atro with max hp and mag food.

    Front bar:
    Flame lash
    Burning embers
    Empowering chains
    Stone giant
    Flames of oblivion (flex)
    Ferocious Leap

    Back bar:
    Dampen magicka
    Healing ward
    Degeneration (leveling for when I get a destro)
    Elusive mist
    Volatile armor (flex)
    Devouring swarm

    Your survivability comes from dampen, healing ward, volatile, mist form, and the defending trait on the resto bar. I get around 26k spell resist and 22 physical in all purple. I use volatile to pull NB out of stealth as well. I was using talons but the extra mitigation from volatile is noticeable and its damage is being buffed. Living is very manageable as long as you have a shield up, and impen and extra resists protect you when it goes down. Cast it every time it's down and proc IG as well. I would try skoria but I can't get shoulders...

    Your burst combo is buffing up with degeneration and FoO, Empowering chains>Stone giant>Lash>Power lash. FoO will fire during the combo for free dps ignoring the gcd and stone giant is empowered. Stone giant hits like a truck when it stuns. More than Flame lash and almost as hard as Power lash even being a dunmer. This combo hurts, in all purple, one sharp weapon, and 460 cp, I've hit 3-8k stone giants and 4-9k power lashes (depending on crits and resistances. You don't need meteor to kill people. You don't need to stack dots. You just need them to not be cc immune. Embers is for extra pressure and the heal. Leap for that extra oomph and it's being buffed next patch.

    The hardest thing about this build is being in light but I've felt less pressured using the defending resto and volatile. I took a heavy attack, two dizzying swings from two people at the same time, followed by a dawn breaker and was able to shield up and mist form away to survive. It works and it's fun.
  • Moglijuana
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    BSW is on average 529 spell damage and then you need a mega sustain set that usually doesn't have any damage on it. If you can run a sustain set without also having to use sustain glyphs on your Jewelry than definitely go BSW. If not there is a much simpler way to the same place.

    Kags heavy armor has 222 spell damage and 122 recovery
    Bloodthorn 129 spell damage and 129 recovery plus 660 stamina and magicka every 5seconds.
    Total 351 spell damage
    + 1 additional Jewelry damage glyph 174
    Total 525 100% of the time. It's only 4 shy of BSW if you can replace 1 sustain glyph for damage. You can also go and buy or easily farm for the Bloodthorn piece you want, where as farming the BSW weapon pieces will be abysmal. I use all damage glyphs for my jewelry.

    This is the route I took for solo mDK because I am a nord with no racial magicka sustain. Between resto heavies, HA passive, the magicka return from a VMA resto staff, and bloodspawn you can cover your magicka with just a bloodspawn. The stam return is really nice as well for S/B solo mDK.

    It's a very cheap and simple route to the same place but only if you can swap out a non damage glyph. Only you know your sustain best so think about what you have to run now and consider which is the right path for you and how you play.

    Interesting, that's the same you get from Silks of the sun without procs (and only on fire attacks)

    Naw Sun only gives you 400 SD but is always active (and only on flame abilities). BSW is a bit stronger as it applies to all spells, but the window to use it is a bit small if you don't pay attention.

    OP, I'm currently running BOTH BSW & Silks of the Sun + Skoria. Sustain is kind of "meh" but with a good small group (and hopefully someone guarding you lol) you WILL MOW PEOPLE DOWN LIKE A HOT KNIFE THROUGH BUTTER.

    This hot knife thru butter combo you speak of, is it as fast as a dizzying swing crit rush med weave dawnbreaker execute? If not then i think the better analogy is hot sunlight thru butter, because it takes a while.

    Deep Breath->Meteor->Fossilize->Power lash usually kills 80% of the people I hit with everything procced. So yes just as fast lol.
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:https://youtu.be/WZp_IdyrL6Q
  • EldritchPenguin
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    BSW is on average 529 spell damage and then you need a mega sustain set that usually doesn't have any damage on it. If you can run a sustain set without also having to use sustain glyphs on your Jewelry than definitely go BSW. If not there is a much simpler way to the same place.

    Kags heavy armor has 222 spell damage and 122 recovery
    Bloodthorn 129 spell damage and 129 recovery plus 660 stamina and magicka every 5seconds.
    Total 351 spell damage
    + 1 additional Jewelry damage glyph 174
    Total 525 100% of the time. It's only 4 shy of BSW if you can replace 1 sustain glyph for damage. You can also go and buy or easily farm for the Bloodthorn piece you want, where as farming the BSW weapon pieces will be abysmal. I use all damage glyphs for my jewelry.

    This is the route I took for solo mDK because I am a nord with no racial magicka sustain. Between resto heavies, HA passive, the magicka return from a VMA resto staff, and bloodspawn you can cover your magicka with just a bloodspawn. The stam return is really nice as well for S/B solo mDK.

    It's a very cheap and simple route to the same place but only if you can swap out a non damage glyph. Only you know your sustain best so think about what you have to run now and consider which is the right path for you and how you play.

    Interesting, that's the same you get from Silks of the sun without procs (and only on fire attacks)

    Naw Sun only gives you 400 SD but is always active (and only on flame abilities). BSW is a bit stronger as it applies to all spells, but the window to use it is a bit small if you don't pay attention.

    OP, I'm currently running BOTH BSW & Silks of the Sun + Skoria. Sustain is kind of "meh" but with a good small group (and hopefully someone guarding you lol) you WILL MOW PEOPLE DOWN LIKE A HOT KNIFE THROUGH BUTTER.

    This hot knife thru butter combo you speak of, is it as fast as a dizzying swing crit rush med weave dawnbreaker execute? If not then i think the better analogy is hot sunlight thru butter, because it takes a while.

    Deep Breath->Meteor->Fossilize->Power lash usually kills 80% of the people I hit with everything procced. So yes just as fast lol.
    Ugh. Every time I go into Cyrodil, I just constantly wish I had Flame Lash. But I frequently switch back and forth from PvE and PvP, and can't afford to repeatedly respec my character.
    Edited by EldritchPenguin on January 6, 2017 4:01PM
    Lilelle Adlis - Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Vaynothah Sailenar - Dark Elf Templar

    Sherivah Telvanni - Dark Elf Sorcerer

    Nephiah Telvanni - Dark Elf Nightblade
  • Sigtric
    I've run mine in light: BSW, Sun and Grothdar

    It's doable for sure. I'm not by any means a good solo pvp player but it doesn't stop me. Win some, lose some.

    That said I finally got a decent 5 body piece rattle cage and put it with VD and also tried it with BSW, and it makes the possibilities of surviving a gank exist

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • Moglijuana
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    BSW is on average 529 spell damage and then you need a mega sustain set that usually doesn't have any damage on it. If you can run a sustain set without also having to use sustain glyphs on your Jewelry than definitely go BSW. If not there is a much simpler way to the same place.

    Kags heavy armor has 222 spell damage and 122 recovery
    Bloodthorn 129 spell damage and 129 recovery plus 660 stamina and magicka every 5seconds.
    Total 351 spell damage
    + 1 additional Jewelry damage glyph 174
    Total 525 100% of the time. It's only 4 shy of BSW if you can replace 1 sustain glyph for damage. You can also go and buy or easily farm for the Bloodthorn piece you want, where as farming the BSW weapon pieces will be abysmal. I use all damage glyphs for my jewelry.

    This is the route I took for solo mDK because I am a nord with no racial magicka sustain. Between resto heavies, HA passive, the magicka return from a VMA resto staff, and bloodspawn you can cover your magicka with just a bloodspawn. The stam return is really nice as well for S/B solo mDK.

    It's a very cheap and simple route to the same place but only if you can swap out a non damage glyph. Only you know your sustain best so think about what you have to run now and consider which is the right path for you and how you play.

    Interesting, that's the same you get from Silks of the sun without procs (and only on fire attacks)

    Naw Sun only gives you 400 SD but is always active (and only on flame abilities). BSW is a bit stronger as it applies to all spells, but the window to use it is a bit small if you don't pay attention.

    OP, I'm currently running BOTH BSW & Silks of the Sun + Skoria. Sustain is kind of "meh" but with a good small group (and hopefully someone guarding you lol) you WILL MOW PEOPLE DOWN LIKE A HOT KNIFE THROUGH BUTTER.

    This hot knife thru butter combo you speak of, is it as fast as a dizzying swing crit rush med weave dawnbreaker execute? If not then i think the better analogy is hot sunlight thru butter, because it takes a while.

    Deep Breath->Meteor->Fossilize->Power lash usually kills 80% of the people I hit with everything procced. So yes just as fast lol.
    Ugh. Every time I go into Cyrodil, I just constantly wish I had Flame Lash. But I frequently switch back and forth from PvE and PvP, and can't afford to repeatedly respec my character.

    I haven't touched PvE since Imperial City lol, but yea I feel your pain. I am constantly trying new builds with new morphs. It does get fairly expensive.
    Edited by Moglijuana on January 6, 2017 4:55PM
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:https://youtu.be/WZp_IdyrL6Q
  • Calboy
    I've successfully been running light armor in pvp lately (7, 5/2 and 6/1) with sword and board and been successful. However those pesky stamblades tear me to pieces but if I somehow survive the gank then look out because the damage is substantial. Wondering what a fire destro is like weaved in with my attacks.
  • EldritchPenguin
    Calboy wrote: »
    I've successfully been running light armor in pvp lately (7, 5/2 and 6/1) with sword and board and been successful. However those pesky stamblades tear me to pieces but if I somehow survive the gank then look out because the damage is substantial. Wondering what a fire destro is like weaved in with my attacks.
    Yeah, I just decided to give light armor a whirl and picked up a Silks of the Sun set. Makes me hit like a truck, especially with Shooting Star, but I really miss the extra armor.

    Well, Black Rose is getting a rebalance next patch, so maybe I won't feel like my offense is quite so hilariously underpowered after that hits, while still being able to keep up my defense and sustain.
    Lilelle Adlis - Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Vaynothah Sailenar - Dark Elf Templar

    Sherivah Telvanni - Dark Elf Sorcerer

    Nephiah Telvanni - Dark Elf Nightblade
    This thread...<3
  • EldritchPenguin
    Reading through the Dragonknight changes on the PTS, specifically the change to Coagulating Blood (heals based on missing Magicka), I'm really tempted to run a low regen ultimate spammer build. Something like 2 Bloodspawn, 5 Dragonguard/Tava's/Shalk, 5 Spellweave/Spinner. I'd (probably) be able to benefit a lot from Coagulating Blood with low regen, while I'd be able to throw out Shooting Stars like I throw out Whips now, getting basically free tripots with a crapload of burst damage and (theoretically) strong self healing.

    Then again, this is probably pretty much just a fever dream.
    Lilelle Adlis - Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Vaynothah Sailenar - Dark Elf Templar

    Sherivah Telvanni - Dark Elf Sorcerer

    Nephiah Telvanni - Dark Elf Nightblade
  • pjwb16_ESO
    Reading through the Dragonknight changes on the PTS, specifically the change to Coagulating Blood (heals based on missing Magicka), I'm really tempted to run a low regen ultimate spammer build. Something like 2 Bloodspawn, 5 Dragonguard/Tava's/Shalk, 5 Spellweave/Spinner. I'd (probably) be able to benefit a lot from Coagulating Blood with low regen, while I'd be able to throw out Shooting Stars like I throw out Whips now, getting basically free tripots with a crapload of burst damage and (theoretically) strong self healing.

    Then again, this is probably pretty much just a fever dream.
    Im running sth similar atm with tavas, trainee and skoria and its kinda tough to sustain but its decent. Don't overestimate how many meteors you get tho ;)
    ~ here since Beta

    My Youtube Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCw3x5B-l0S093TAo10WafLA

    EU Server PC @Elendiel
    Fyrusha - NB AD
    Auri-ele - Sorc AD
    Watch me Nae Nae - Magicka DK AD
    Watch me Whip - Magicka DK DC
    Schnuggii - Bubble Templar AD
  • Ninjury
    Calboy wrote: »
    I've successfully been running light armor in pvp lately (7, 5/2 and 6/1) with sword and board and been successful. However those pesky stamblades tear me to pieces but if I somehow survive the gank then look out because the damage is substantial. Wondering what a fire destro is like weaved in with my attacks.
    Yeah, I just decided to give light armor a whirl and picked up a Silks of the Sun set. Makes me hit like a truck, especially with Shooting Star, but I really miss the extra armor.

    Well, Black Rose is getting a rebalance next patch, so maybe I won't feel like my offense is quite so hilariously underpowered after that hits, while still being able to keep up my defense and sustain.

    Disclaimer: Partial necro.

    I'm at the point where I'm focusing a bit on PvP. It's loads of fun and I mostly run in groups.

    Question is: Sustain or hit like a truck?

    I'm thinking following setup:
    2x Skoria
    5x Rattlecage
    Undefined rings/neck
    Undefined destro / resto

    2x Skoria
    5x BSW or Destruction Mastery
    Undefined rings / neck
    Undefined destro / resto

    Could also swap out one Skoria and loose set bonus for 5x5 set.

    I'm a amateur at this, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

    As of now, I'm running light - and I do hit like a truck - but I have 0 sustain. Got mixed feelings about this.
    Ninjury - Magblade
    Specialities: Trading
    Proudly representing

    The Orchestra
  • EldritchPenguin
    Ninjury wrote: »
    Calboy wrote: »
    I've successfully been running light armor in pvp lately (7, 5/2 and 6/1) with sword and board and been successful. However those pesky stamblades tear me to pieces but if I somehow survive the gank then look out because the damage is substantial. Wondering what a fire destro is like weaved in with my attacks.
    Yeah, I just decided to give light armor a whirl and picked up a Silks of the Sun set. Makes me hit like a truck, especially with Shooting Star, but I really miss the extra armor.

    Well, Black Rose is getting a rebalance next patch, so maybe I won't feel like my offense is quite so hilariously underpowered after that hits, while still being able to keep up my defense and sustain.

    Disclaimer: Partial necro.

    I'm at the point where I'm focusing a bit on PvP. It's loads of fun and I mostly run in groups.

    Question is: Sustain or hit like a truck?

    I'm thinking following setup:
    2x Skoria
    5x Rattlecage
    Undefined rings/neck
    Undefined destro / resto

    2x Skoria
    5x BSW or Destruction Mastery
    Undefined rings / neck
    Undefined destro / resto

    Could also swap out one Skoria and loose set bonus for 5x5 set.

    I'm a amateur at this, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

    As of now, I'm running light - and I do hit like a truck - but I have 0 sustain. Got mixed feelings about this.
    There isn't much "partial" about it. =P But I'll forgive you and even answer your question.

    I've found that light armor is a bit better in 1v1 situations, and heavy was a bit better for group play.

    Now for your setup. If you want to frontbar Destro, I think you're pretty much better off with heavy armor. You lose a lot of armor and blocking power over running S&B. I'd also run S&B over Resto on your backbar. The extra defense in a pinch is life-saving. I think you'll probably gain more offense from Destro weaves than you would from light armor, so you'll probably be okay in the offense department.

    As for sets, I don't think Rattlecage is very good. Unless you can use that extra slot you gain for something game-changing, I just don't think it's worth it. Molten Armaments is utterly amazing if you're frontbarring Destro. It makes your heavy attacks hit ludicrously hard, while also making Rattlecage redundant.

    For your sets, I'd run 2 Skoria, 5 Kagnarec's Hope/Seducer (for heavy), 3 Willpower, and a generic Destro (vMA if you have it in sharp). You'll probably want to mix and match recovery and spell damage enchants on jewelry.

    It's important to note that you'll have better Magicka sustain in light armor, but Heavy Armor will help you sustain your Stamina as well. Whatever you do, I think it's crucial that you either frontbar S&B or run heavy armor, if not both. That extra defense is just that important.

    If you're going to run light armor, though, run Burning Spellweave. It gives you more DPS than any other 5-piece set in the game.
    Lilelle Adlis - Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Vaynothah Sailenar - Dark Elf Templar

    Sherivah Telvanni - Dark Elf Sorcerer

    Nephiah Telvanni - Dark Elf Nightblade
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    For what its worth, I basically carry 3 sets that I can interchange between and mix and max: Seducer, BSW, Rattlecage.

    For open world, I like Rattlecage and Seducer. The extra slot you get from rattlecage is very handy IMO. I do this with double S+B. If I want to run a staff, I will go BSW and Seducer and slot Molten Armaments. If I am in a group with good support, I run BSW and Rattlecage. This is great damage, but the sustain is tough, hence needing some support.

    Also, a lot of people talk about Skoria. It is certainly strong, but I would also highly suggest bloodspawn. Dragon leap got a big buff and is dirt cheap. Bloodspawn means you can cast it a lot more. I find it can be a more effective finisher (DKs biggest problem) than a random skoria proc.
  • EldritchPenguin
    For what its worth, I basically carry 3 sets that I can interchange between and mix and max: Seducer, BSW, Rattlecage.

    For open world, I like Rattlecage and Seducer. The extra slot you get from rattlecage is very handy IMO. I do this with double S+B. If I want to run a staff, I will go BSW and Seducer and slot Molten Armaments. If I am in a group with good support, I run BSW and Rattlecage. This is great damage, but the sustain is tough, hence needing some support.

    Also, a lot of people talk about Skoria. It is certainly strong, but I would also highly suggest bloodspawn. Dragon leap got a big buff and is dirt cheap. Bloodspawn means you can cast it a lot more. I find it can be a more effective finisher (DKs biggest problem) than a random skoria proc.
    I've found that I prefer Shooting Star over Ferocious Leap. I like the delay in it that lets you throw out a Fossilize right before it lands. It also restores more resources, leaves a ground DoT that more than doubles its damage, boosts your DPS with everything else, and generates ultimate (making it surprisingly spammable). Although I will concede that Leap's damage shield is utterly fantastic.
    Lilelle Adlis - Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Vaynothah Sailenar - Dark Elf Templar

    Sherivah Telvanni - Dark Elf Sorcerer

    Nephiah Telvanni - Dark Elf Nightblade
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