Guild Traders, Going rate?

Hey All,

Just curious what the going rate is for the guild traders, what er are the super popular places and what are the underdog places?

Just trying to do some research as i would like to atleast make a chance of owning a guild trader for a week :)

Edited by DuroNL on December 7, 2016 6:50PM
Founder of Daedric Gore, Join us and 140+ members for Chaos! And Xbox an Ambassador
  • Danksta
    You can get them anywhere from next to nothing to several million. The places that get more traffic are the prime spots. The places that you'll find out on some random trail or in the outlaws refuge are generally going to be the cheaper locations.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • DuroNL
    So would you say those in the refuge are worth the coin? Or is the traffic just too low?
    Founder of Daedric Gore, Join us and 140+ members for Chaos! And Xbox an Ambassador
  • AntMan100673
    Which outlaw refuge/s do you find yourself going to more than others? Do you think other people will go to them more often as well? They're the ones that are worth the coin.

    Though saying that if you price stuff so it can be flipped then everything will sell whatever trader it's on
    EU - EP - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Magicka DPS - CP160

    GT: AntMan100673
  • DuroNL
    That sounds good, i often go to the thieves guild den in Hews Bane, but i guess people wihout the dlc cant get there?
    Founder of Daedric Gore, Join us and 140+ members for Chaos! And Xbox an Ambassador
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