Frequent Disconnections - Xbox One NA (December 2016)

As people come by, I'm hoping to gain comments if you all get disconnected 5-10 times if playing for 2 hours.

I'm trying to discern if it's something regarding my home network that's wired or if this is just a ZOS issue.

I literally do not get this in any other game like Destiny, Titanfall or TF2, The Division, GTA, Skyrim, The Ark, Elite Dangerous...

What i mean is while playing in different areas solo or grouped my game will pause and then tell me I've lost connection to the ESO server or that I need to have an active Xbox live Gold subscription.

This issue has increased with One Tamriel so my initial idea is that when I enter phased areas such as towns, group dungeons and even when mounted and riding through areas with maxed out speed this happens.

It doesn't happen as much on a new alt but it does happen.

What are your experiences and are we all seeing trends?

My trends are:
1. Phasing
2. Dye stations
3. Using portals in dungeons after the killing a few bosses and needing use a door or portal.

My ISP is Google Fiber with a 1 gig upload/ 1 gig down speed where my Xbox one seems to split the 1 gig via up and down in ranges of 200 Mbps down and 800 Mbps up or lower to 100 Mbps down and 900 Mbps up as well as the normal 480 to 600 down/up from the console tests in detailed settings

I don't use Xbox party chat just the ingame voice chat
-PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Ok I've began using Xbox party chat over voice chat and still get frequent disconnections.

    I'm using a wired Google Fiber 1 gig connections with all suggested Xbox live and ESO ports set up

    Frequent disconnections still continue and it's been confirmed that it's just this game.

    Your error messages often say context to Xbox live (on the game not the console while I'm in Xbox party chat with no disconnections)

    The other error message is followed by a couple different three numerical codes like which seem to say I've been disconnected.

    Just keeping this front and on the first page as it's now going into Feb 2017
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
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