C.O.R.E. - A game idea

Soul Shriven

Hi everyone!

First of all, let me thank Bethesda for the years of fun and joy they brought to us, fans, with their hard work, creativity, art and storytelling.
Thank you!
Aslo, im much obliged that (after a few discussion) Bethesda allowed me to creat this topic about my idea, presenting a game that i have in mind for some time now. I know this is a forum for ESO, and shouldn’t realy bother you guys here, but who knows, maybe some of you will find it worth a check.
Since these are realy just raw ideas, i would be more than happy, if any of you could help me develope this dream to a reality – by adding your toughts, ideas, critics, or anything that comes to your mind. Feel free to join a crazy brainstorming.
I have tonns of ideas in my mind at the moment and still need to organise things, so this whole thing won't become a complete fudge. Therefor i wish to present the details only stepwise, expanding the topic occasionally with the actual results.
I realy wish to give Bethesda a good idea, a base for a new game, and ONLY to Bethesda. They creativity and art is realy unique and i couldn’t think of any other game developer but them.

Gona be back soon with the concept. B)

Thank you for your time and for checking in,


P.S.: Please, never mind my english and the typos, i know its a bit crapy, please bare with me. ;)
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