So I have been leveling up my Templar healer. Lvl 47, almost there

but I have been running random dungeons to level up because I hate questing. I'm cp500 so I've ran the same quests over and over and it gets boring. But back to my original post. I'm running spindlecluth two and our tank has been raging the whole time because he keeps dying. He's rarely taunting and when he does he's not keeping the boss in one spot and he has 12K health lol. So it was pretty hard to heal him. We get to the last boss and he gets one shotted by the bosses punch (which is easy as hell to telegraph) but he starts yelling, "HEALER!!! WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING!!! HEAL ME AND DO YOUR JOB." He then votes to kick me and everybody else in the group who haven't died at all, basically tell him to suck it up. He tries to kick again but fails again. But yeah, if that is the stuff you healers have to deal with, I sincerely apologize for ever getting mad at you lol
CP460 Magsorc, Stamblade, Templar Healer, DK Tank. AKA the drunken nord