EP but I would also say EP has a small group of players who are by far the best on xbox.
Actually_Goku wrote: »I'm actually surprised at how balanced it seems, in comparison to the EU server. There's really only Scourge that is active on EU, and it's normally AD dominated, with the occasional push from the EP. Whenever I've gone to Cyrodiil on the NA server, BWB and Scourge both seem pretty even, with EP seeming to struggle the most.
Actually_Goku wrote: »Who are some other players to watch out for on the server? I've heard of Kush, but anyone else from any other alliances I should know about?
xskinzcity wrote: »EP - no organized larged scale groups/guilds/zergs. Good small scale players and groups though.
AD - large scale zerging guilds.
DC - large scale guilds and ball groups. Some good small scale groups.
xskinzcity wrote: »EP - no organized larged scale groups/guilds/zergs. Good small scale players and groups though.
AD - large scale zerging guilds.
DC - large scale guilds and ball groups. Some good small scale groups.
Actually_Goku wrote: »Who are some other players to watch out for on the server? I've heard of Kush, but anyone else from any other alliances I should know about?
shieldstacker if he still plays, dc
slurix dc
mrwinter dc
hulkares dc
STS ball group dc
skinz whos in this thread ep
inferno staff ep
thats all i can think of off the top of my head, ad i just really cant think of anyone lol
Tbh I have never thought EP and small scale goes together.xskinzcity wrote: »EP - no organized larged scale groups/guilds/zergs. Good small scale players and groups though.
AD - large scale zerging guilds.
DC - large scale guilds and ball groups. Some good small scale groups.
@Actually_Goku ad has the most popular definitely, they run scourge with 3bar pop and still put up some fight in had with full pop as well. I'd say ep and dc are near even in number as of late with random ep in scourge but no organization and most competent ep in haderus. 1 of the few legitimate dc guilds is in scourge but they bring their group to help the haderus pugs when one of their own makes an emp push. If your trying to figure out which alliance to pick the real question is what kind of pvp you plan on running, solo, medium group, large group etc.
Actually_Goku wrote: »Who are some other players to watch out for on the server? I've heard of Kush, but anyone else from any other alliances I should know about?
shieldstacker if he still plays, dc
slurix dc
mrwinter dc
hulkares dc
STS ball group dc
skinz whos in this thread ep
inferno staff ep
thats all i can think of off the top of my head, ad i just really cant think of anyone lol
Dam @zuto40 I guess I suck *cries*
I remember that you had the 5 and I was the 1 and found it weird how you wasn't healing but your health went up stupidly.Actually_Goku wrote: »Who are some other players to watch out for on the server? I've heard of Kush, but anyone else from any other alliances I should know about?
shieldstacker if he still plays, dc
slurix dc
mrwinter dc
hulkares dc
STS ball group dc
skinz whos in this thread ep
inferno staff ep
thats all i can think of off the top of my head, ad i just really cant think of anyone lol
Dam @zuto40 I guess I suck *cries*
yea man, ur bad, i 1v5d you wearing nothing but health regen gear
@ostrapz thanks for the information.@jaronking deeco is the only ep zerg group. Ad has sweep nation and glowglow,dc has karnage and sts There are only like 3 actual ep pvp guilds and everything else is pug groups.. some pug groups with some legitimate players but pickup groups nonetheless
Tbh I have never thought EP and small scale goes together.xskinzcity wrote: »EP - no organized larged scale groups/guilds/zergs. Good small scale players and groups though.
AD - large scale zerging guilds.
DC - large scale guilds and ball groups. Some good small scale groups.
I remember that you had the 5 and I was the 1 and found it weird how you wasn't healing but your health went up stupidly.Actually_Goku wrote: »Who are some other players to watch out for on the server? I've heard of Kush, but anyone else from any other alliances I should know about?
shieldstacker if he still plays, dc
slurix dc
mrwinter dc
hulkares dc
STS ball group dc
skinz whos in this thread ep
inferno staff ep
thats all i can think of off the top of my head, ad i just really cant think of anyone lol
Dam @zuto40 I guess I suck *cries*
yea man, ur bad, i 1v5d you wearing nothing but health regen gear@ostrapz thanks for the information.@jaronking deeco is the only ep zerg group. Ad has sweep nation and glowglow,dc has karnage and sts There are only like 3 actual ep pvp guilds and everything else is pug groups.. some pug groups with some legitimate players but pickup groups nonetheless
Actually_Goku wrote: »I've just transferred from EU to NA on Xbox, just wondering which faction seems to have the highest PVP population? As I plan on going the one with the lowest. I would imagine it being DC, as blues seem to universally have the lowest amount of players.
Father_X_Zombie wrote: »Join DC, were lonely
Actually_Goku wrote: »I've just transferred from EU to NA on Xbox, just wondering which faction seems to have the highest PVP population? As I plan on going the one with the lowest. I would imagine it being DC, as blues seem to universally have the lowest amount of players.
I'm not sure about the other alliances. But with EP, you tend to get a large amount of "elitist" type players. Players who don't really care about working with others or winning the campaign, the type of players who just want to prove their individual skill and just farm AP. At least it seems to be this way for about half of the EP alliance. Whenever I try to use the zone chat system to try and communicate with other groups I mainly get insults and mockery. May possibly be because I'm a Deeco memeber, a guild you are sure to hear of eventually on Xbox NA. Though at times I there will be players and groups that will try to work togeathers.
Of course it is.Next thing I know your going have a 80k Saptank in PVP.How your stamplar coming.I remember that you had the 5 and I was the 1 and found it weird how you wasn't healing but your health went up stupidly.Actually_Goku wrote: »Who are some other players to watch out for on the server? I've heard of Kush, but anyone else from any other alliances I should know about?
shieldstacker if he still plays, dc
slurix dc
mrwinter dc
hulkares dc
STS ball group dc
skinz whos in this thread ep
inferno staff ep
thats all i can think of off the top of my head, ad i just really cant think of anyone lol
Dam @zuto40 I guess I suck *cries*
yea man, ur bad, i 1v5d you wearing nothing but health regen gear@ostrapz thanks for the information.@jaronking deeco is the only ep zerg group. Ad has sweep nation and glowglow,dc has karnage and sts There are only like 3 actual ep pvp guilds and everything else is pug groups.. some pug groups with some legitimate players but pickup groups nonetheless
It was a joke at first but my dk is becoming health regen