Slayer9292_ESO wrote: »I'm assuming you are asking for PVE. If you are asking for PVP then ignore most of what I say here.
Most stam sorcs use bow/dw because of the dots bow provides as a support weapon. DW also has one of the best aoe dps in the game (steel tornado) and good single target dps with twin slashes and rapid strikes. The Maelstrom weapons work really well for this because they buff the most useful skills in those.
Stam build do best wearing 5 pieces or more of Medium Armor due to passives. Heavy armor would be a pretty large dps decrease.
And while there is nothing wrong with 2H, stam sorc has crit surge which gives you your major brutality and a really good heal, which is probably better than Rally. The biggest problem is you don't have many DOT options with 2H and Cleave is pretty weak AOE compared to Steel Tornado.
2H + DW could work, Executioner may make up for the lack of DOTs from not having a bow.
CosmicSoul wrote: »Thank you for the info, how versatile are they? I guess I am looking to add some cc or something to my dps, I can never do pure dps builds.
CosmicSoul wrote: »Slayer9292_ESO wrote: »I'm assuming you are asking for PVE. If you are asking for PVP then ignore most of what I say here.
Most stam sorcs use bow/dw because of the dots bow provides as a support weapon. DW also has one of the best aoe dps in the game (steel tornado) and good single target dps with twin slashes and rapid strikes. The Maelstrom weapons work really well for this because they buff the most useful skills in those.
Stam build do best wearing 5 pieces or more of Medium Armor due to passives. Heavy armor would be a pretty large dps decrease.
And while there is nothing wrong with 2H, stam sorc has crit surge which gives you your major brutality and a really good heal, which is probably better than Rally. The biggest problem is you don't have many DOT options with 2H and Cleave is pretty weak AOE compared to Steel Tornado.
2H + DW could work, Executioner may make up for the lack of DOTs from not having a bow.
Thank you for the info, how versatile are they? I guess I am looking to add some cc or something to my dps, I can never do pure dps builds.
Slayer9292_ESO wrote: »I'm assuming you are asking for PVE. If you are asking for PVP then ignore most of what I say here.
Most stam sorcs use bow/dw because of the dots bow provides as a support weapon. DW also has one of the best aoe dps in the game (steel tornado) and good single target dps with twin slashes and rapid strikes. The Maelstrom weapons work really well for this because they buff the most useful skills in those.
Stam build do best wearing 5 pieces or more of Medium Armor due to passives. Heavy armor would be a pretty large dps decrease.
And while there is nothing wrong with 2H, stam sorc has crit surge which gives you your major brutality and a really good heal, which is probably better than Rally. The biggest problem is you don't have many DOT options with 2H and Cleave is pretty weak AOE compared to Steel Tornado.
2H + DW could work, Executioner may make up for the lack of DOTs from not having a bow.
i actually find whirlwind to be weak. my mageblade sap essence crits for 11k, my stamblade dw with a good 30% more crit damage boost barely hits 9-10k with whirlwind in execute phase. i would have to go a burst 7000 wp build to get normal whirlwind portion to maybe do 75% of what sap essence does.
CosmicSoul wrote: »Slayer9292_ESO wrote: »I'm assuming you are asking for PVE. If you are asking for PVP then ignore most of what I say here.
Most stam sorcs use bow/dw because of the dots bow provides as a support weapon. DW also has one of the best aoe dps in the game (steel tornado) and good single target dps with twin slashes and rapid strikes. The Maelstrom weapons work really well for this because they buff the most useful skills in those.
Stam build do best wearing 5 pieces or more of Medium Armor due to passives. Heavy armor would be a pretty large dps decrease.
And while there is nothing wrong with 2H, stam sorc has crit surge which gives you your major brutality and a really good heal, which is probably better than Rally. The biggest problem is you don't have many DOT options with 2H and Cleave is pretty weak AOE compared to Steel Tornado.
2H + DW could work, Executioner may make up for the lack of DOTs from not having a bow.
Thank you for the info, how versatile are they? I guess I am looking to add some cc or something to my dps, I can never do pure dps builds.
There's a few things wrong with what I've seen so far.
If you're running STAM sorc 7 piece medium no exceptions.
You're aim is to go full dps this means using bow, if you're (not interested in bow) is what you said I'd stop playing a STAM sorc most of the DPS comes from poison injection and endless hail using a 2h is disgusting on a sorc and should of never been allowed outside of PVP.
You also mentioned you wanted to add "some type of cc to your build" I would go out and get sellistrix monster set.
Not only does this set offer 4.5k -5.5k dps every 4 seconds it also has a 360 degree AOE knock down for 3 whole seconds.
This monster helm can proc every 4 seconds. The beauty of this set is that you passively gain 15% extra damage through dual wield passive for disorientated, knock down, etc etc mobs.
My 2 cents.
Seeing as you're new to STAM Sorc, VO is a stretch without knowing you gear.
5 piece night mothers gaze and 5 piece viper with the monster helm is a very GOOD place to start and easily accessible to all players regardless of level, as viper comes from fungel (can be soloed with a legit good player) and nmg being craftable this should be easily achieveable.
Good luck.
Lukums1 - PS4
Magicka as you're tossing up with comes with high survive from hard hitting attacks. These days, STAM SORC have more survive in trials and VMA that's from my personal experience.
If you go Magicka and your high elf as you stated that's for the best as running STAM on high elf is completely wasted. You'd have to re-roll to do serious damage.
Let me know what you decide and I can see if I can assist further with some ideas moving forward.
Slayer9292_ESO wrote: »CosmicSoul wrote: »Thank you for the info, how versatile are they? I guess I am looking to add some cc or something to my dps, I can never do pure dps builds.
Stam Sorc is the only build I've beaten vMA on, and the only class I'm consistently around 25k dps single target (give or take). I think what I like most about this build is the number of self heals. Crit Surge, Vigor, Bloodthirst, Bloodcraze, Dark Deal.
As for crowd control, being a stamina build I have about 9k magicka which is enough to cast hurricane and crit surge and dark deal here and there. It wouldn't be enough magicka to cast encase or bolt escape (the one that stuns) very often.
I also don't usually deal with crowd control. In group content that's usually the tank's job. Whereas dps job is to kill everything quickly.
CosmicSoul wrote: »Slayer9292_ESO wrote: »I'm assuming you are asking for PVE. If you are asking for PVP then ignore most of what I say here.
Most stam sorcs use bow/dw because of the dots bow provides as a support weapon. DW also has one of the best aoe dps in the game (steel tornado) and good single target dps with twin slashes and rapid strikes. The Maelstrom weapons work really well for this because they buff the most useful skills in those.
Stam build do best wearing 5 pieces or more of Medium Armor due to passives. Heavy armor would be a pretty large dps decrease.
And while there is nothing wrong with 2H, stam sorc has crit surge which gives you your major brutality and a really good heal, which is probably better than Rally. The biggest problem is you don't have many DOT options with 2H and Cleave is pretty weak AOE compared to Steel Tornado.
2H + DW could work, Executioner may make up for the lack of DOTs from not having a bow.
Thank you for the info, how versatile are they? I guess I am looking to add some cc or something to my dps, I can never do pure dps builds.
There's a few things wrong with what I've seen so far.
If you're running STAM sorc 7 piece medium no exceptions.
You're aim is to go full dps this means using bow, if you're (not interested in bow) is what you said I'd stop playing a STAM sorc most of the DPS comes from poison injection and endless hail using a 2h is disgusting on a sorc and should of never been allowed outside of PVP.
You also mentioned you wanted to add "some type of cc to your build" I would go out and get sellistrix monster set.
Not only does this set offer 4.5k -5.5k dps every 4 seconds it also has a 360 degree AOE knock down for 3 whole seconds.
This monster helm can proc every 4 seconds. The beauty of this set is that you passively gain 15% extra damage through dual wield passive for disorientated, knock down, etc etc mobs.
My 2 cents.
Seeing as you're new to STAM Sorc, VO is a stretch without knowing you gear.
5 piece night mothers gaze and 5 piece viper with the monster helm is a very GOOD place to start and easily accessible to all players regardless of level, as viper comes from fungel (can be soloed with a legit good player) and nmg being craftable this should be easily achieveable.
Good luck.
Lukums1 - PS4
Magicka as you're tossing up with comes with high survive from hard hitting attacks. These days, STAM SORC have more survive in trials and VMA that's from my personal experience.
If you go Magicka and your high elf as you stated that's for the best as running STAM on high elf is completely wasted. You'd have to re-roll to do serious damage.
Let me know what you decide and I can see if I can assist further with some ideas moving forward.
CosmicSoul wrote: »Just go get an idea?
I am interested in using two handed and heavy armor atleast, also I have been leveling a high elf and I realize now that maybe it was not the best idea if I decide to go stamina based. I noticed many builds use the bow and I am not interested in the bow at all.
But since I cannot hybrid effectively like a battlemage this seems to be my only choice, I guess my other option is to switch to pure magicka and staffs.
Any information would be appreciated thank you:)
Sellistrix is from Arx Corinium. That's what I'm planning to use on my stam sorc once I get the full set.