Putting amazing things in crates is going to alienate people who can't have the best stuff and breed permanent resentment.
Putting amazing things in crates is going to alienate people who can't have the best stuff and breed permanent resentment.
I think you are projecting your own feelings on others here.
For example, I can't have the best stuff (not gonna buy any crates), but it does not breed any permanent resentment in me - in fact i don't give a rat's ass about what pixels the other players' models/mounts are comprised of.
For me it's mainly -- will this game exist in like 6 years? I can have all the mondo cool stuff, but I am not sure I want to be here if the people worse off end up as angry as I've seen in other places.
For me it's mainly -- will this game exist in like 6 years? I can have all the mondo cool stuff, but I am not sure I want to be here if the people worse off end up as angry as I've seen in other places.
To be fair, the game probably won't be more than a barren wasteland in 6 years, anyway; unlike other MMOs that have managed to last for ages, ESO has The Elder Scrolls VI to contend with when it's eventually released; I've never considered this game more than a time sink until the next single-player title comes out, and my guess is that the devs feel the same way.
Let them squeeze the money out of people who want to make it rain; if this is what people want to buy, then they'll buy. If not, they won't, and the feature will get the ax or a complete overhaul. Personally, I don't care what any of the other players outside my friend circle believe; I don't talk to or otherwise interact with them. I bought enough crates to get the items I want, and now that it's done, I'll wait a few months and see what else comes down the pipe. If anything. It is what it is.
Well, I definitely see your point. Just thought it would be a happier playerbase if everybody was pleased and nobody felt resentment/left out. I hope the crates get axed and the older model persists, but realistically they probably won't do it.
Putting amazing things in crates is going to alienate people who can't have the best stuff and breed permanent resentment. It's also going to alienate people who are willing to gamble but who haven't bought tons of stuff from the regular store.
Well, I definitely see your point. Just thought it would be a happier playerbase if everybody was pleased and nobody felt resentment/left out. I hope the crates get axed and the older model persists, but realistically they probably won't do it.
Here's the deal though... I think these crates are the best way, if not the only way, for them to leak limited time items back into the store without an insane uproar from the whale demographic. I've always thought it, from the moment crates were even a genuine possibility. Notice how the Frost Mare snuck in there; the cloud senche, too. These are rare items, limited quantity, and there's nothing players get more defensive about than rare items that they don't want other people to have.
Angering players into not buying a new thing may be a shot in the foot, but potentially pissing off the people who've already proven they have cash to burn in the name of exclusivity? That's a shot in the head.
Putting amazing things in crates is going to alienate people who can't have the best stuff and breed permanent resentment. It's also going to alienate people who are willing to gamble but who haven't bought tons of stuff from the regular store.
It's just a dirty way for them to exploit people for their money.
Well, I definitely see your point. Just thought it would be a happier playerbase if everybody was pleased and nobody felt resentment/left out. I hope the crates get axed and the older model persists, but realistically they probably won't do it.
Here's the deal though... I think these crates are the best way, if not the only way, for them to leak limited time items back into the store without an insane uproar from the whale demographic. I've always thought it, from the moment crates were even a genuine possibility. Notice how the Frost Mare snuck in there; the cloud senche, too. These are rare items, limited quantity, and there's nothing players get more defensive about than rare items that they don't want other people to have.
Angering players into not buying a new thing may be a shot in the foot, but potentially pissing off the people who've already proven they have cash to burn in the name of exclusivity? That's a shot in the head.
Stovahkiin wrote: »I don't necessarily like crown crates either, but I think people need to calm down. There have been other games that implemented them and lasted for years after that, SWTOR comes to mind in that regard. And you guys act like Zeni is the first company to do this ever, when really they're just following a business tact that has been proven to give them more revenue (if you didn't know, businesses usually like to make money)
For me it's mainly -- will this game exist in like 6 years? I can have all the mondo cool stuff, but I am not sure I want to be here if the people worse off end up as angry as I've seen in other places.
To be fair, the game probably won't be more than a barren wasteland in 6 years, anyway; unlike other MMOs that have managed to last for ages, ESO has The Elder Scrolls VI to contend with when it's eventually released; I've never considered this game more than a time sink until the next single-player title comes out, and my guess is that the devs feel the same way.
Let them squeeze the money out of people who want to make it rain; if this is what people want to buy, then they'll buy. If not, they won't, and the feature will get the ax or a complete overhaul. Personally, I don't care what any of the other players outside my friend circle believe; I don't talk to or otherwise interact with them. I bought enough crates to get the items I want, and now that it's done, I'll wait a few months and see what else comes down the pipe. If anything. It is what it is.
Stovahkiin wrote: »Well, I know some people get sensitive about this point too but it's true nonetheless... you know you don't have to buy them? I don't plan on buying them, but I'm not begrudging those who do.
Stopnaggin wrote: »But those 2 mounts were not labeled rare, they were labeled limited time. There were no limited quantities, you had the crowns you bought one. I have the clouded senche and the dro mathra senche. I don't care how many of them are out there. As far as I remember there wasn't anything offered in limited quantity, just time.
People should realize the difference, just because McDonald's release the McRib every so often doesn't mean it was limited quantity.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »
For me it's mainly -- will this game exist in like 6 years? I can have all the mondo cool stuff, but I am not sure I want to be here if the people worse off end up as angry as I've seen in other places.
To be fair, the game probably won't be more than a barren wasteland in 6 years, anyway; unlike other MMOs that have managed to last for ages, ESO has The Elder Scrolls VI to contend with when it's eventually released; I've never considered this game more than a time sink until the next single-player title comes out, and my guess is that the devs feel the same way.
This is an awfully cynical point of view. In many ways they play off of one another. Imagine that some players might take a break from ESO to play TES 6, and they might then go back to ESO, then back Morrowind. I don't think any of this makes Crown packs a great idea, nor does it address the complaint. I'm one of those players who finds the gambling mechanic distasteful, and it is a large reason I lost heart with SWTOR. Its a great way of sucking hard earned cash from people, offering very little in return. It is despicable. I really wish they'd go back to a better model.
Stopnaggin wrote: »But those 2 mounts were not labeled rare, they were labeled limited time. There were no limited quantities, you had the crowns you bought one. I have the clouded senche and the dro mathra senche. I don't care how many of them are out there. As far as I remember there wasn't anything offered in limited quantity, just time.
People should realize the difference, just because McDonald's release the McRib every so often doesn't mean it was limited quantity.
I agree, 100%. Just the same, there are people in every thread about bringing limited items back for another rotation who hate the idea. Money talks, and they've already bought ZOS's ear.dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »
For me it's mainly -- will this game exist in like 6 years? I can have all the mondo cool stuff, but I am not sure I want to be here if the people worse off end up as angry as I've seen in other places.
To be fair, the game probably won't be more than a barren wasteland in 6 years, anyway; unlike other MMOs that have managed to last for ages, ESO has The Elder Scrolls VI to contend with when it's eventually released; I've never considered this game more than a time sink until the next single-player title comes out, and my guess is that the devs feel the same way.
This is an awfully cynical point of view. In many ways they play off of one another. Imagine that some players might take a break from ESO to play TES 6, and they might then go back to ESO, then back Morrowind. I don't think any of this makes Crown packs a great idea, nor does it address the complaint. I'm one of those players who finds the gambling mechanic distasteful, and it is a large reason I lost heart with SWTOR. Its a great way of sucking hard earned cash from people, offering very little in return. It is despicable. I really wish they'd go back to a better model.
Emphasis mine - and I addressed the complaint just fine. OP is/was worried that these types of practices will alienate large swaths of the playerbase, thus making them quit. My view is that a good number of players are just playing this because it has "Elder Scrolls" written on it, and because this is where their friends are. When everyone runs off to play Skyrim II or whatever Bethesda comes out with, this game will be largely forgotten for most of the players - many won't return. That's the nature of a franchise: most people want the new shiny thing, not the old one. Cynical, but true; when was the last time Daggerfall was a big hit, and how many people even know about Arena?
Anyway, Crown Crates aren't really for the average player. I see where you're coming from on the not getting enough bang for your buck front, but think of it from the perspective of a player who already buys pretty much everything. Someone started a thread about spending a couple hundred bucks to max their rewards, and noted that the exchange rate got better once they filled in the missing items. Imagine starting out with 90% of the items filled in and getting only gems/exclusives as a reward. You'd think the complainers were just insanely unlucky or insanely greedy.
Stopnaggin wrote: »
The exchange rate didn't get better though. It because he already had certain item already. I mean if he/she doesn't understand the difference, kinda feel sorry for them.
Gambling is invariably the threshold where the decline begins.
Stopnaggin wrote: »
The exchange rate didn't get better though. It because he already had certain item already. I mean if he/she doesn't understand the difference, kinda feel sorry for them.
It's a matter of perspective. If you look at the hard numbers, no; you still pulled the same tickets out of the RNG, except now, some of them are just duplicates. On the other hand, it depends on what those duplicate tickets are worth. Say you only want one apex mount: the lightning tiger. You're not allowed to buy it outright, so you have to roll for it. It is what it is; those are the facts and we're not gonna dwell on them for the sake of this example.
If you roll a lightning camel and some other things you don't care about, you've technically lost money, but consider the next roll. If you get the lightning guar on roll 2, you've technically lost. If you get a second camel, you've actually come out a bit ahead; the gems can be put toward the item you're actually shooting for. If you get the senche, it's game over and you can go home victorious. But every duplicate, even the ones you don't care about, are a step toward the ultimate goal.
...If you have the money to throw away on this stuff. Some do, and some don't. Those who do are usually the ones who've got all the previous items being recycled, unless they choose to abstain from the crates completely. This gives them an edge, because they can get gems immediately, instead of no return on a useless item.
Stopnaggin wrote: »I'm not defending crown crates. What I meant in my statement was about the item vs crown gem. The more items you have the more chance of a duplicate, which can then be traded for the crown gems. So the exchange rate has not changed at all, what has changed is the chance of a duplicate. The amount of gems never changed, you dont get more gem per piece for every duplicate.