When crown crates cycle to the next season, perhaps offer the contents for direct sale? This helps on multiple levels:
1) You have a resurgence for the same items already available and produced, since those abstaining from crates (like myself) would definately buy them.
2) Reduces the requirement to gamble for THE chance of an item. You still have A chance, just much later and after everyone already has one (which keeps meaning to crates)
3) Would help collectors by giving them a CHOICE to wait or gamble.
4) At least to me, would diffuse a lot of guff to forseeably throw at crates within the community.
5) Maintain a standard of "Everything is for direct sale eventually, but keeping up with the Jones' will cost you extra."
6) Possibly the biggest deal, you make money from out of season sales and gain some of the community's respect. Some argue regain, I'd say this would utterly diffuse the outcry over crown crates anyhow.
And on the subject, the statement regarding the release of a crown store exclusive motif (Grim Harlequin) also mentioned it was crown store exclusive
for now. Maybe crown crate items are not the only things to revisit in terms of method obtained...