GET RID of proc gear and alter the benefits that sets give to characters.
There's no easy way around this issue and that's why the next patch has been promised to be a "Balance" patch because right now everything is just the opposite.
Devs are going to have to go back and tweak the sets AND tweak the difficulty of vMA and in general fix some of the glaring imbalances that players have been feeling and posting about. Pretty much, a overhaul has to be done for the health of the game going forward.
The development and popularity of ESO is being bottlenecked by the proc sets, the dungeon monster sets, and the vMA RNG issues. Players have great exuberance and passion for the game and then they hit a wall in either the form of having to do a gear grind or frustration with the difficulty.
So, yes, balance the game and give crafters a bit more love to be able to craft near comparable vMA gears alternatives.