For crafting to be really meaningful in any MMO, crafted items HAVE to be the best in the game. Drops should never be as good as the best crafted items.
If you want to create a boss-grind to get good gear, then have the mobs drop mats to make the special gear from. DO NOT DROP THE GEAR ITSELF.
RoyalPink06 wrote: »Title, basically. I just saw the announcement for the new Frostcaster motif and I LOVE IT, its so beautiful! But alas, very few sets worth crafting at the moment with all these proc/drop sets
I WISH, WISH so hard, that ZOS would give us some new bad@$$ sets to craft. And not just 2 or 3 sets, like I'm talking a bunch. And I also WISH SO HARD that they would come up with a way for us to re-style the dropped sets (NOT a crown store-purchased token for the love of all the Gods and all that is holy). I would even still accept it if it still cost 120 mats a piece. Just allow us to change it. PLEASE. It would give much more incentive to buy the crown store motifs (a d!ck move and a slippery slope, by the way) if we could actually use them.
I'm usually one of the most patient and accepting people out there, but I'm so frustrated and disappointed by this and I hope they set us free of this soon.
What does everyone else think?
For crafting to be really meaningful in any MMO, crafted items HAVE to be the best in the game. Drops should never be as good as the best crafted items.
If you want to create a boss-grind to get good gear, then have the mobs drop mats to make the special gear from. DO NOT DROP THE GEAR ITSELF.
For crafting to be really meaningful in any MMO, crafted items HAVE to be the best in the game. Drops should never be as good as the best crafted items.
If you want to create a boss-grind to get good gear, then have the mobs drop mats to make the special gear from. DO NOT DROP THE GEAR ITSELF.
Khaos_Bane wrote: »For crafting to be really meaningful in any MMO, crafted items HAVE to be the best in the game. Drops should never be as good as the best crafted items.
If you want to create a boss-grind to get good gear, then have the mobs drop mats to make the special gear from. DO NOT DROP THE GEAR ITSELF.
THIS ABSOLUTELY 100% !!!!!! I have stated this for a long time. The best gear in game should be crafted and materials should drop from encounters. Materials should also be TRADABLE or ABLE TO BE SOLD. This is simple and makes sense and it should be the case in this game.
I expected MUCH more from an elder scrolls game as far as crafting is concerned.
KochDerDamonen wrote: »For crafting to be really meaningful in any MMO, crafted items HAVE to be the best in the game. Drops should never be as good as the best crafted items.
If you want to create a boss-grind to get good gear, then have the mobs drop mats to make the special gear from. DO NOT DROP THE GEAR ITSELF.
tbh with the similarities to GW2 in the one tamriel update, I'm kind of but not really surprised that we don't have a system to "deconstruct" a set item and use some material to craft an item in that set. Make it properly difficult to make use of/actually obtain the material and this would solve half the issue for the motifs at least.
Crafting also takes a long investment to acquire traits, but not much else. I'm proud of my 9 traits, but I know that at the end of the day crafting a cp160 trait set just came down to playing the game long enough. The materials are easy enough to obtain bar the gold tempers and those are universal to dropped and crafted gear. In my opinion... crafting sets themselves should be a bit more of an adventure, maybe open the possibility of picking the set bonuses in the 2, 3, 4 slots by use of some materials and work. Beef up their 5-piece bonuses in general but make it that every set has special things one must acquire to actually craft the thing on top of having trait knowledge, or lock more set locations deep in dangerous caves, or something to balance out giving the sets more power. A fair number of sets are fine as-is and I think many would be if one could select the 2, 3, 4 bonuses.
Paulington wrote: »Every single item on my magicka sorcerer is now a dropped item. I am sure I invested hundreds of hours and millions of gold in motifs for some reason, however I cannot remember it currently...
Still dreaming of that transmogrification system.
Pathfinder wrote: »Paulington wrote: »Every single item on my magicka sorcerer is now a dropped item. I am sure I invested hundreds of hours and millions of gold in motifs for some reason, however I cannot remember it currently...
Still dreaming of that transmogrification system.
Same here, so I wear a costume. I love the motifs in the crown store, but I have no reason to buy them.
RoyalPink06 wrote: »Title, basically. I just saw the announcement for the new Frostcaster motif and I LOVE IT, its so beautiful! But alas, very few sets worth crafting at the moment with all these proc/drop sets
I WISH, WISH so hard, that ZOS would give us some new bad@$$ sets to craft. And not just 2 or 3 sets, like I'm talking a bunch. And I also WISH SO HARD that they would come up with a way for us to re-style the dropped sets (NOT a crown store-purchased token for the love of all the Gods and all that is holy). I would even still accept it if it still cost 120 mats a piece. Just allow us to change it. PLEASE. It would give much more incentive to buy the crown store motifs (a d!ck move and a slippery slope, by the way) if we could actually use them.
I'm usually one of the most patient and accepting people out there, but I'm so frustrated and disappointed by this and I hope they set us free of this soon.
What does everyone else think?
CosmicSoul wrote: »Costumes in my opinion defeat the purpose of crafting and wearing what you find, I think they are great once you are bored with the styles you can get in game on that character.