Perhaps a different approach for next year would lead to better results (not that the current results are bad)
(Seems ppl want to add their ideas as well....go ahead and do so)
*Please do not go with promising things a year out like last year....instead just share what things you're working on for 2017. That way people have context to things you're working on but it opens you up to discuss things vs trying to talk in part. People can feel lied to or mislead but more important than this....if you were to continue shows like ZOS Live, the devs and PR team can actually speak intelligently vs talking around topics.
It's O K to say we are working on x, y and Z but there is a possibility that X may not ever come into the game.
This is the type of stuff that causes customers to drool and stay around....just don't dangle the carrot too much. Let's keep it to realistic features that are feasible in some section and then another section about ideas.
Year ahead Format suggestion:
-Confirmed content and features
-Development content and features
-Drawing board ideas and features/content
-Items/features/content not in development but mentioned.
-canceled development or on hold
Specific suggestions:
1. Remove your quarterly dlc schedule entirely and in its place commit to bug fix patches
2. Remove the separation of DLC release dates (perhaps day's apart in the same week instead)
3. Do continue quarterly PTS content testing even if the content isn't to be released in 60 days
4. Remove the quarterly crown crate idea and offer all possibilities and add new possibilities quarterly
5. Continue the monthly crown store updates
6. (Added due to forum updates) - Stop using redirect links in news articles and post the actual content with a hidden button for Safari users
Details on each item and logic behind each:
1. We all look forward to new content regardless if it's a revamp of existing content as well as new content and paid DLC. What's frustrating often times is that when the content comes, consistently, we experience added bugs as well as existing unresolved bugs. While some are minor annoyances, others often touch on QoL, balance, and even what can be game breaking or content completion preventative issues.
We don't expect the company to be perfect but it's conforming to see and experience intentional and strategic plans to resolve and commit to improvements.
While this will have an impact on releasing content, personally (not speaking for others), this leads to a higher quality game and should raise the value in the marketplace.
2. This is a touchy topic. I'm in no way suggesting that PC should wait on console certifications. Honestly having a PC account I use to jump over and play PTS and PC ahead of a console release. Now, what seems to be the case, is that the separation seems to contribute to groups of dedicated customers providing feedback and building platform specific known and unknown bug report threads or external sites with more detailed explanations.
My thought process could be flawed but from a production management or corporate strategy/go forward ideal.....unifying all to work best.
You all have teams that work independent as well as those who work with others and I'd only imagine that time is limited. Deadlines internally are necessary but externally, the end user is happier with quality and polished content vs throwing things out there and taking months to address some of the larger issues while taking 6-12 months on smaller issues if ever addressed at all. When teams are on the same release, it's more likely to produce higher quality products as the priorities align across the enterprise
-inventory and bank issues when the bank is full
-guild bank stacking /adding/removing
-getting kicked while playing when it's not an ISP, console server or network issue
-activity finder bug adding more than 4 players or adding a new player while the kicked player is still in the instance preventing the new player from joining
-various sets not doing what the tool top suggests
-falling through the game floor when teleporting or on a load screen
-inability to log out using the game menu
-console voice chat timer that never stops preventing ppl from leaving or entering channels
-friends list sync issues
-never adding back zone LFG
-never adding back trials LFG
3. PTS is a gold mine for content feedback.
Ive found that over the years, developers who keep this often and front of mind tend to have higher production upon releases. This directly influences items 1 and 2 above.
Also, people really want to experience coming soon updates even if they end up getting delayed for weeks and months.
What was good about PTS is having content in the works for weeks but what's began to hurt PTS is only releasing content for very few weeks and then releasing it live on all platforms with the reported issues, bugs or even those 9+ page topic threads where a lot of aggressive conversations occur
This is the one important place to start content I'd say at least 90 days prior to an expected release. That means it would be polished to when content is sent to PTS but a buffer of 90 days or more is allowed to refine so that the PTS that's ends up being part of the console update gets the first patch normally on PC for console release. Again...ideally the update would hit all platforms within 7 days.
4. Crown crates.....
I won't even go into the pages upon pages of feedback for and against this. You've decided to do it so my best suggestion here is not to roll the season release ideas into this.
If you're going to add what some refer to as gamble boxes, a path to free to play or just borderline money grabs....let's do it in a way where the offerings actually provide a "chance" for new and existing players to "win" or be "rewarded" items that cannot otherwise be obtained which were attainable in the past.
5. Crown store - buy and have stuff
Those who are willing to spend real money...keep the offerings coming.
I'd say to carefully use PTS to gauge what's presented in the monthly articles.
Edited by NewBlacksmurf on November 30, 2016 6:04PM -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501