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New to ESO. A few questions.

Soul Shriven
Hey. Me and a few friends started playing ESO last week and there are some things in-game that I'm wondering about. I know that the leveling zones scale and same with the dungeons, but I've been wondering if the veteran dungeons scale? Are all the veteran dungeons at a fixed set difficulty or will it scale based on the leaders veteran level? If it scales to the leaders veteran level wouldn't that make it easier and then basically make gear useless or less important?

My 2nd question is regarding the classes. I picked a Night Blade, but I was wondering if that means I'm limited to what the class can do (Dps). Can I be a spell dps? Or a healer or tank?

Thanks guys!
  • Tryxus
    Everything is scaled to the same level, both Normal and Veteran dungeons. The only difference between the 2 is that Veteran Dungeon mobs and bosses have more HP and hit harder, as well as the mechanics being more unforgivable.

    Any class can perform any role, especially NB. I have 2 DPSers, both Stam and Mag, but I also have a Magicka Sap Tank. Being a Healer should be no problem either.
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • Milvan
    Benvies wrote: »
    Hey. Me and a few friends started playing ESO last week and there are some things in-game that I'm wondering about. I know that the leveling zones scale and same with the dungeons, but I've been wondering if the veteran dungeons scale? Are all the veteran dungeons at a fixed set difficulty or will it scale based on the leaders veteran level? If it scales to the leaders veteran level wouldn't that make it easier and then basically make gear useless or less important?

    My 2nd question is regarding the classes. I picked a Night Blade, but I was wondering if that means I'm limited to what the class can do (Dps). Can I be a spell dps? Or a healer or tank?

    Thanks guys!

    "but I've been wondering if the veteran dungeons scale?"
    R: If you are below 50 or have a below 50 in the party, you can't switch to "veteran" on the party tab. If you are cp01~159 it will scale you up to cp160.

    "Are all the veteran dungeons at a fixed set difficulty or will it scale based on the leaders veteran level?"
    R: Fixed. Since 1T, before that they scaled up to leader level.

    " I picked a Night Blade, but I was wondering if that means I'm limited to what the class can do (Dps). Can I be a spell dps? Or a healer or tank?"
    R: No you are not limited. You can tank, heal or dps, not at the same time (effectively) tho. If you want to change roles you will need to get the proper set of gear and the proper cp distribution and skills. The race only matters if you want to min/max.
    “Kings of the land and the sky we are; proud gryphons.” Stalker stands, the epitome of pride. Naked and muscular, his wings widen and his feet dig in as if he alone holds down the earth and supports the heavens, keeping the two ever separate.”
    Gryphons guild - @Milvan,
  • Enslaved
    Benvies wrote: »
    Hey. Me and a few friends started playing ESO last week and there are some things in-game that I'm wondering about. I know that the leveling zones scale and same with the dungeons, but I've been wondering if the veteran dungeons scale? Are all the veteran dungeons at a fixed set difficulty or will it scale based on the leaders veteran level? If it scales to the leaders veteran level wouldn't that make it easier and then basically make gear useless or less important?

    My 2nd question is regarding the classes. I picked a Night Blade, but I was wondering if that means I'm limited to what the class can do (Dps). Can I be a spell dps? Or a healer or tank?

    Thanks guys!

    Well, first of all, welcome to the ESO, hope you like it and stay here forever.

    Every zone, including dungeons, delves etc are scaled to cp160.

    NB can be anything in this game, depending on skill and difficulty of content you want to do.
    stamina gankers / magicka bombers fro PvP
    stamina dps / magicka tanks for PvE
    They can heal, too.

    There are ppl who will tell you that NB sux, that DK is better as DPS or tank.
    Don't mind them, NB is just fine.
    Also, templars are better for healers.
  • KingYogi415
    Play magic..

    Look up anicancling and weaving if you want to be effective.

    If you are more then 4 levels over your gear, don't be suprised when you cant kill anything.

    Gear is everything.
    Edited by KingYogi415 on November 29, 2016 3:05PM
  • ZOS_JohanaB
    This thread has been moved to Players Helping Players
    Staff Post
  • Nestor
    Benvies wrote: »
    My 2nd question is regarding the classes. I picked a Night Blade, but I was wondering if that means I'm limited to what the class can do (Dps). Can I be a spell dps? Or a healer or tank?

    Thanks guys!

    If your going to stick around, and we hope you do, then your going to want to roll all 4 classes. MMO's mess with balance all the time. So, the Sorcerer may be the whipping boy right now, but it was kind OP for a while. Same with Dragon Knights, same with Templars and Nightblades. NBs are the trickiest class to play, but have awesome burst damage.

    This way as they mess with stuff, you can pull out your other character that is favored and park the one that is not.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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