Campaigns are a mess

So I have no idea what it is like on PC or Xbox but on PS4 right now in the most popular campaign (Scourge) there is one faction (blue) that is completely dominating the other two in scoring which has drastically reduced any fun or pride derived from alliance competitiveness. I think this tremendously hurts pvp overall and you have people switching alliances left and right with no sense of alliance loyalty or pride which detracts from the fun of PVP. Any strategy to try and win the campaign deteriorates into AP farming and people running around solo not at all contributing to their alliance (myself included). Or people from the losing sides leave the campaign altogether (which is why Haderus has two bars of red and yellow but none of blue). I think people being able to have characters on different alliances on the same server is stupid, but that won't change and I understand why some groups would want to switch in order to find more competitive play (sick of just beating on red and yellow all the time if you're a blue).

In theory, the two alliances way behind the first should team up on the 1st place alliance and that would even things. So why don't they? It's a battle for second place I suppose but also for AP reasons like maybe there is more AP to be gained from going to farm yellows somewhere than try and take keeps from blues. I think one thing that would go a long way toward making more fun and competitive campaigns would be if players and keeps/resources/scrolls/outposts of the winning alliance were worth double the AP of anything else. This would further encourage players to fight the leading alliance together and would possibly prevent one alliance from totally dominating a server. The more skilled alliance would still win but at least it would make for a little more competition between alliances leading to healthier campaigns.

TL;DR: double AP gained from players/keeps/resources/scrolls/outposts of whichever alliance is ahead in a campaign in order to promote healthier and more competitive campaigns.

ALSO, I understand that there are bigger problems with PVP right now, especially in regards to balance, but I just think this could help a lot to improve the Cyrodiil environment.
Edited by Blackfyre20 on November 29, 2016 3:19AM
Buff Soft Caps
  • AnviOfVai
    I agree the campaigns are a mess, unfortunately I can't even set foot in Scourge at the moment due to it crashing my PS4 as soon as I get into the map, its so laggy and so full that Im pretty much stuck in Haderus with all my characters.

    Another thing you mention people are switching alliances in between, in my case I do this, but as I said I'm stuck in Haderus. I do switch alliances because I like to play my other characters, also I have friends on the other factions I tend to go where they are and who is online in that particular moment. At the moment however I am with AD more than EP and DC due to the work i'm doing on a build with a friend on the NA server.

    When factions team up, its normally due to a high ranking player who has other friends on the other faction who don't want them to get emperorship, (or guilds) I know I have seen it Normally EP and DC team up just for the fact that AD have many players online and normally take the map very fast. DC However is very tactical in their routines and know how to mess up the yellows...Reds have been pushed back and only ever come alive around the afternoon time UK time ;) We also sometimes have *traitors* who share information with others on the factions... I have NEVER done this when I switch, I don't see the fun in it and if i'm ever asked I never answer.

    True sometimes you may not attack a certain player because you know them, or you know their build however If I see one of my faction players in trouble by a person I know I will go help them.

    Anyway this is how things turn out in Haderus anyway. I don't think any alliance really should team up with the other at all.

    I think Balance needs to be addressed soon, this is probably one of the more serious issues with PVP at the moment that make players want to create other builds and help other factions.

    (Just realized the date of might get locked but meh :) )

    Edited by AnviOfVai on February 17, 2017 2:50PM
    "I appear at my lord's behest, or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."

    PS4 - EU

    AD - Pet Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - 160
    DC - Warden - Werewolf - in - progress - 160
    DC - Templar - Tank - 160
    DC - Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - in - progress
    EP - Dragon Knight -Fire Tank - 160
    EP - Nightblade - Damage Dealer - 160

  • Creative
    I think it is funny that you mention this! I too feel that your account should be locked to a faction per server. This would eliminate the AP farming that is taking place. This is where in the same server players will log in on an EP toon then run the map, log over to a DC run for a bit and then hop on AD. I know the feeling of having a sense that AD and EP "Team Orange" or AD and D.C. "Team Green" and finally D.C. And EP "Team Purple" but I assure you that every hardcore faction gamer who has only experienced one faction says the same, but as a player of AD and D.C. I can assert you that it is not the case! I no longer play the AD as it no longer appeals to me with the upcoming housing tuesday. Anyways good luck!!! I am sure with Morrowind we will see Cyrodill open up and not be as laggy.
  • Gordon906
    Blood for The Pact! Always be loyal to your own alliance.
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