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Help with crafter / thief / destro character.

Soul Shriven
My boyfriend is making a character who is going to be a 4-skill crafter and then he's going to have thief skills on it. He wishes to add in destruction staff. He wants to know if it would be better to be a nightblade or a sorcerer; he is leaning toward nightblade for the DOTs. Is there any reason he should pick sorc over nightblade (skill points, synergy, etc.)?
  • AzuraKin
    stealth characters its best to be stam dw/2nd or dw/bow nightblade. other classes stam builds do solid as steatlh, but nightblades are best stealth builds.
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 battlemage (sorcerer)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 warrior (DragonKnight)
    v160 assassin (nightblade)
    v160 swordsman (sorcerer)
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
  • bebynnag
    a magic nightblade is the easiest character to play a thief on, because they have shadowy disguise which they can cast almost indefinatley & a skill which when slotted & they are sneaking or invisible increases their movement speen

    however if your partner is drawn to playing a dot based magic charcacter they may also want to consider a magic dragon knight as they have a wider variety of dot based skills to choose from

    regarding being a crafter, a thief & damage dealer it is possible, however they will need to do a lot of skill point hunting (just a heads up)
  • vand3798
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the info, fellas. Last question: I'm building a melee sorcerer (Orc). Should I use 2HF or DW?
  • AzuraKin
    a magic nightblade is the easiest character to play a thief on, because they have shadowy disguise which they can cast almost indefinatley & a skill which when slotted & they are sneaking or invisible increases their movement speen

    however if your partner is drawn to playing a dot based magic charcacter they may also want to consider a magic dragon knight as they have a wider variety of dot based skills to choose from

    regarding being a crafter, a thief & damage dealer it is possible, however they will need to do a lot of skill point hunting (just a heads up)

    cloak is a mageblades escape, its not really effective for stealth based mage dps, also stamina can use cloak as well for a quick stealth get away, and with speed buffs are also very fast in stealth.
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 battlemage (sorcerer)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 warrior (DragonKnight)
    v160 assassin (nightblade)
    v160 swordsman (sorcerer)
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
  • bebynnag
    and the OP said that their partner wanted to play a crafting, thief using a destro staff, so i told them that the easiest character to play a thief on was a magic nightblade, because they can spam shadowy disguise.

    i didnt claim it had higher DPS than a stam NB. i read the OP's post and tried to answer the questions they asked.
  • cjhhickman39
    The other point about movement speed is if you slot concealed weapon which is a boost to stealth movement and a magicka based skill so a waist of a slot for a stamblade. Combine with nightsilence armor makes for fast stealth movement
  • bebynnag
    why is this thread becoming a debate between magic & stam NB

    look at the actual question asked
    vand3798 wrote: »
    My boyfriend is making a character who is going to be a 4-skill crafter and then he's going to have thief skills on it. He wishes to add in destruction staff. He wants to know if it would be better to be a nightblade or a sorcerer; he is leaning toward nightblade for the DOTs. Is there any reason he should pick sorc over nightblade (skill points, synergy, etc.)?

    I tried to answer that question
    "a magic nightblade is the easiest character to play a thief on, because they have shadowy disguise which they can cast almost indefinatley & a skill which when slotted & they are sneaking or invisible increases their movement speen"

    so why am i getting bitched at by 2 people because i read the OP's 1st question & tried to answer it

    i answered based on my experience in game of playing an actual thief, as in stealing trinkets from lockboxes, pickpocketing npc's or completing heists. mNB easiest - hands down
    even if OP was actually refering to ganking skills when they used the phrase 'thief' magic nightblade is still the better option for a magic ganking build,

    why do i insist on offering advice on magic builds rather than stamina builds?
    because the OP specifically stated their boyfriend wanted to use destro staff

    Once again this true toxicity of this forum shows itself.
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