Now that we know for sure that we'll be able to craft furniture for upcoming housing, I was curious about what people would like to see as options. I would love to see:
1. Furniture crafting options that utilize current and lower level crafting mats so that all levels of mats are relevant and in demand on an ongoing basis.
2. I also really hope there is a way to somehow dye the furniture. I'm imagining a meshing of the enchanting deconstructing interface (where you see the glyph before you decon it), with the current dye system. We would have the furniture item in our inventory, go to the dye table, and select the tab for furniture. We'd see a 3D view of the item, and be able to dye it as we wished, or redye it as we needed/wanted to. This would also give people yet another reason to be ESO plus or buy the dye stamps in the crown store.
3. I want to be able to craft furniture pieces that are representative styles from all the different races of Tamriel. Like a Bosmer iron bookcase (because obviously, Bosmers don't make wooden bookcases... right?), or a Khajiit spidersilk rug that they like to stretch out on and "play with the yarn ball"...
So, how about you.. what are you dreaming of for furniture crafting options?
Edited by TerraDewBerry on November 26, 2016 4:04PM