At the moment, there isn't a lot of benefit from putting points into health. Keep it all in Stam - but use food. Some decent food will give you an extra 5k health and 5k stam.
The if you find you need a little more health, switch sets/enchants around a little. You can sometimes have too much health, but can never have too much stam.
Although Zos have hinted that they make health a more useful stat in future patches.
But as per taking the big boss-hits - the big hits are usually telegraphed in some way so it may just be a case of recognising that.
Oh, and if you like 2-handed, work on getting Rally - you get a great burst heal when re-casting it just before it runs out. Some builds use 2-h just as a buff-bar for that skill alone.
I think 17 to 18 k health is recommended in pve. Any lower people will give you grief... lots of grief. I did 18 k and the survivability was better but damage was lower.
Ahhh, yeah I bet that helps a lot once you've spent 300CPDagoth_Rac wrote: »Once you start gaining Champion Points, you will get a little extra health every 3rd CP (the red "Warrior" points). First red CP is worth 1% more health. It goes down pretty quickly after that, but full 561 CP (187 in Warrior) is worth about 19% bonus health. So if you feel you are not getting same stats as other players despite same gear, enchants, attributes, etc., it can be a CP issue. Unless you are doing hard mode Trials or something, most endgame content seems balanced around 300 CP (and can be completed well before that as long as you understand mechanics). And the earlier CP come a lot faster than the later ones. So you should still see your health going up, little by little, even after you hit Level 50.
Yeah I've just jumped into the game to check out what kind of food I can craft. Just crafted some green 5.6k health food which should help LOADS already, and I've been using up all the ingredients that have been stashed in the bank to level myself straight to 40 Provisioning!Flowersquisher wrote: »If you want those big damage crits, stick with stam. Most stam builds have 0 into health and max 64 stam. Main boss attacks are suppose to hurt, a well timed dodge or block will usually save you. Also, try using max health and stam blue food, at 12k health looks like you're not using any.
Darkstorne wrote: »Ahhh, yeah I bet that helps a lot once you've spent 300CPDagoth_Rac wrote: »Once you start gaining Champion Points, you will get a little extra health every 3rd CP (the red "Warrior" points). First red CP is worth 1% more health. It goes down pretty quickly after that, but full 561 CP (187 in Warrior) is worth about 19% bonus health. So if you feel you are not getting same stats as other players despite same gear, enchants, attributes, etc., it can be a CP issue. Unless you are doing hard mode Trials or something, most endgame content seems balanced around 300 CP (and can be completed well before that as long as you understand mechanics). And the earlier CP come a lot faster than the later ones. So you should still see your health going up, little by little, even after you hit Level 50.Is the Warrior tree worth investing in for Stam Sorcs though? I thought this game was pretty rough for hybrid builds, but maybe Champion Points are different?
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »Darkstorne wrote: »Ahhh, yeah I bet that helps a lot once you've spent 300CPDagoth_Rac wrote: »Once you start gaining Champion Points, you will get a little extra health every 3rd CP (the red "Warrior" points). First red CP is worth 1% more health. It goes down pretty quickly after that, but full 561 CP (187 in Warrior) is worth about 19% bonus health. So if you feel you are not getting same stats as other players despite same gear, enchants, attributes, etc., it can be a CP issue. Unless you are doing hard mode Trials or something, most endgame content seems balanced around 300 CP (and can be completed well before that as long as you understand mechanics). And the earlier CP come a lot faster than the later ones. So you should still see your health going up, little by little, even after you hit Level 50.Is the Warrior tree worth investing in for Stam Sorcs though? I thought this game was pretty rough for hybrid builds, but maybe Champion Points are different?
You have no choice. The Champion Points rotate: Warrior, then Thief, then Mage. So after 99 CP, you will have 33 in each. You cannot gain 99 CP and put all in Thief or all in Mage. All stars have something of worth to each player, though. Warrior is generally about damage mitigation, Thief about resource management, and Mage about dealing damage.