I know there is a 1000 of Posts already about this, but really i can not clearify myself. I have a NB stamina and I want to orient it to do damage. I'm not a very skilled player and normally i use my bow from distance and when I have to fight 1v1 my Maul.
I don't want to do some kind of strange combination of sets that work only for skilled players, I want something more direct where I can do high damage with my surprise attack, bow skills, and etc, and heal good with rally and use the tipic set of skills for NB stamina.
I would like also to use some monster sets, but i'm not sure if selenes would be the right choice because of the 15% chance, (it sound more that would be good for a templar stamina with puncture) or maybe Velidreth set would be better.
Also I'm not sure if the best set is the Hunding rage for my kind of situtation or I should farm some other set.
I would really appreciate any help. Thanks.