Nerf Destro Ult!! Wait what?!

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Lol how many threads have you been seeing with this now? Sooooooo many! which I think it is absolutely hysterical because rewind back like 2 months when the Ultimates were introduced and people were complaining that it was to underpowered, heck even after ZOS buffed it a lot of people still said it would be underpowered. Lol it's so funny that people are crying for a nerf so hard when we are the reasons it got this way. The Destro Ulti is absolutely strong and yeah maybe it is too strong on the right builds but if you can't get out of that ultimate, you should die. I mean duh, if stamina users had a self following Dawnbreaker DoT, that would destroy too. Yeah there are some real issues with it like the Nightblade cloak bug but you cry for nerfs and they bury those skills 6 feet under when they are done with them. I even remember when Stam Sorc came out and people made fun of hurricane and said its crap, 2 months their were a few brave souls that decided to say "Nerf Hurricane, I can't cloak!!!!! :''''''( " on the forums. Bottom line, wait until the balance patch and quit crying. Magicka users have to deal with Proc Sets and Stamina Users have to deal with destro ultimates, fair trade in my opinion, given the current state of Cyrodiil.


EDIT: Here's a link to the official thread for Weapon Ultimates from the One Tamriel PTS. A big majority of the comments said the destro ultimate was terrible and needed a buff. Just read through them if you don't believe me lol.
Edited by Valykc on November 23, 2016 12:29PM
  • stevepdodson_ESO888
    ✭✭✭✭✭ with all the other threads...the only people crying for a nerf are PvPers who haven't learnt to get away from it and die as a result

    it's only when a skill kills someone that a cry for nerf goes out because they want to be the ones doing the killing...ironic really

  • Valykc
    ✭✭✭✭✭ with all the other threads...the only people crying for a nerf are PvPers who haven't learnt to get away from it and die as a result

    it's only when a skill kills someone that a cry for nerf goes out because they want to be the ones doing the killing...ironic really

    Yeah it's a high cost, low duration Ultimate and yeah it's powerful, well Eye of the Storm is in the PVP case and I get that it can be hard to escape sometimes due to lotus fan, streak, toppling charge, etc but IMO if you can't manage to escape it's radius due to CCs, snares, roots, gap closer spam well then you should be dead, you were outplayed, same principle with a couple other ultimates. The ulti is deadly paired with sets like VD and that might be why people are getting mad but really if it's not one thing, it's another. It has its bugs but I hope it doesn't get dismantled when they try to balance/nerf it.

    This is just my opinion though
    Edited by Valykc on November 23, 2016 11:28AM
  • Mayrael
    ✭✭✭✭✭ with all the other threads...the only people crying for a nerf are PvPers who haven't learnt to get away from it and die as a result

    it's only when a skill kills someone that a cry for nerf goes out because they want to be the ones doing the killing...ironic really

    So much this. Each time I die to EOTS im enraged... Im so angry because I let someone to kill me with it. When you know what to do you can survive it quite easy, its the best skill to melt chasing scrubs: "hey we are 5, hes alone, what possibly can go wrong? Attaaaack! Spam Ransack-Bash-Ransack-Bash... Oh wait why aim dead?! This skill is OP! Nuuuurf!"
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  • Mady
    ✭✭✭✭✭ with all the other threads...the only people crying for a nerf are PvPers who haven't learnt to get away from it and die as a result

    I didn't do any PvP since One Tamriel, so I don't know what's going on, but.... How do you get away from someone who is spambushing / gap closing you the whole time?
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  • Bad_Company
    "If it kills me, it has to be nerfed" - Every ESO PvPer
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  • Enslaved
    Trying to write a post for 4-5 times, and right before I send it, I delete and start over.
    I give up, this is a troll tread anyways.
  • Lieblingsjunge
    Destro-ultimate doesn't necessarily need to be directly nerfed, but it has to be tweaked.

    1) It should *not* follow you. A magblade can now spambush you to infinity and deal 20k damage in a few seconds. Great, right? Make both morphs stationary, but add in an extra effect. E.g. gives you 3% resources back for each enemy hit or w.e.

    2) Make it visible at any time! Invisible destro-ults are the deadliest.

    The ultimate itself isnt the problem. It's cominbation with e.g. Spambush is. Just make both morphs stationary and problem solved.
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  • Tavore1138
    Main issue is that unlike every other skill there is not much visual clue to being in one, let alone being in several from a zerg and as the damage is quite high you can be dying before you realise the ned tonbe dodge rolling out of whatever snares/roots the other zerg members are spamming.

    Also loving the hypocrisy of those whining about being hit by a couple of half damage single target procs from melee range trying to defend a wide area moveable aor skill.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
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  • Valykc
    Destro-ultimate doesn't necessarily need to be directly nerfed, but it has to be tweaked.

    1) It should *not* follow you. A magblade can now spambush you to infinity and deal 20k damage in a few seconds. Great, right? Make both morphs stationary, but add in an extra effect. E.g. gives you 3% resources back for each enemy hit or w.e.

    2) Make it visible at any time! Invisible destro-ults are the deadliest.

    The ultimate itself isnt the problem. It's cominbation with e.g. Spambush is. Just make both morphs stationary and problem solved.

    Yeah maybe they just tweak it by not allowing you to use gap closers and streak for the duration
    . I dunno but I think that would be appropriate and
    Help the issues and yeah the invisible bug is a problem lol
  • Valykc
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Trying to write a post for 4-5 times, and right before I send it, I delete and start over.
    I give up, this is a troll tread anyways.

    Really not trying to troll, just trying to point out that we got it to this point, asked for a buff and tested on the PTS and nobody said anything for EotS they just kept saying "Give us a burst Ultimate!!!!".

  • Valykc
    Mady wrote: »

    I didn't do any PvP since One Tamriel, so I don't know what's going on, but.... How do you get away from someone who is spambushing / gap closing you the whole time?

    Yeah that's an issue for sure, you can try stunning, cloaking, streaking, rooting them, shield through it, roll dodge... It might work sometimes but not every time.

    I'm just hoping for a simple change that makes you unable to use gap closers/streak for the duration of the ultimate. That still allows you to close the gap before activating the ultimate and a brief window of buildup for people to escape

    Edited by Valykc on November 23, 2016 12:03PM
  • elantaura
    Another thread..ok well.
    They might want to deal with the two handed ultimate in the "balance" patch.when they get to eye of the storm.
    Remember when you kill something you get the cost back ready to go again.
    Works great with critrush and especially ambush as you bounce around instakill and are good to go again.
    Just pointing out it's not the only unbalanced ult rather than same old thread with a different title.

    PS4 EU 1200+ cp - I enjoy RP, Housing, PVE and PVP

  • deevoh1991
    I don't have a problem with it. Just figure out a way to handle it, Eg I find avoiding the person and using ur resto staff ultimate is a nice way to combat it. Also it's an AOE, so yeah it sucks if the person is following only you, but as a group, put up some wards and resto spells? cs it's not a one hit move like that poisoned bow ult.

    Just my opinion.

    I feel certain melee moves are op, especially the ganks where I don't even know what hit's me from where and 1-2 shots me while enemy is in stealth mode.
    PSN GT : Divzor
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