If the people in your guild are accepting the requests you make then why would you feel weird about accepting their acceptance and running the dungeons with them?
PC-NA? Hit me up, we have a guild for such things
Because most of them already have their end-game gear and I get the sense that they're just trying to be nice by running them with me. Farming a dungeon over-and-over isn't like asking for someone to take on a world boss. It's a lot of time to invest just to do a favor for a guildee who doesn't have his gear yet.
alephthiago wrote: »
Sometimes I'm random, sometimes guildie, but I never use any verbal communication in eso. It's simple as I can communicate in simple English only, but talking while playing would distract me too much. Because English isn't my language. I think many players think similar way and decide to choose the chat only. It's more convenient and especially for randoms, it's hardly a game in which you could make friends from doing random dungeons, even if you can find some exceptionsNot to mention that randoms don't have Teamspeak, which would make decent communication a pain (I really wish they would offer built-in group voice chat on the PC the way they have on consoles).
I tried the dungeon finder, but just sat forever in queue.
I tried the dungeon finder, but just sat forever in queue.
When I queue as a dps for random normal or vet I usually have to wait 30minutes to an hour for a group. But if I queue up as a tank I am in immediately. When I pug farmed COA a few weeks back I could enter instantly back to back to back all day long if I queued up as a tank. There are tons of people in queue just no one wants to tank.