Yes, another thread about vMA loot, but this time I'm nearly 100% sure that the last chest is bugged somehow, at least for me.
I have been doing vMA during the whole event about 3 times per day which amounts to over 40 times during the last two weeks. 40 times x double loot = over 80 weapons! 80!!! And guess what, nearly half of these were resto staves. Yes, I was always getting one resto in a chest + other weapon (sometimes a second resto!). I know vMA is full of RNG but come on, that's not possible even with the most broken RNG. The other weapons were mostly bows and S&B. The first week was quite lucky (one... sharpened lighting) but the second week: resto.... resto.... resto... Now I have a bunch of resto staves which I could give to the whole army. From these past two weeks I got one more thing besides resto staves: a strong need to take a break from ESO. For a while or for good.
So my question is: did you ZOS intentionally lower the drop rates for the most desired weapons and increase the drop rate for resto staves for the purposes of this so-called event? If not, it's clearly a bug cause I don't believe in that kind of RNG (or bad luck as some could say). Nobody will be doing solo content in a MMO game forever, especially such a boring, long and frustrating content. I could spend this time on some other content instead, a content which I like and is fun for me.
And one more thing: I've never got a ring (of any set) from MA chests. Did you delete them from the chests entirely?
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_MattFiror Anybody?