Ever since One Tamriel I've had issues with constantly getting booted from the game - my PS4 will say "Lan Cable not connected" - I assume this is an issue on my end, a minor blip in the connection - whatever, that's tolerable.
What really makes me mad about it though is that since this happens, ESO kicks me out right away, no matter where I am - this is problematic because half the time when I rejoin the game I'm dead.
Now - I would not be so angry if I spawned in a group of enemies and was able to actually fight - but no, literally I am already dead by the time I load in and that's just plain absurd.
I have the skill for revives without soul gems - so generally, no loss. But it's just so damn annoying to have happen repetitively. The only times I DO have to use Soul Gems is on the days this happens to me. (It's pretty rare I die more than once in 6+ hours, but in some cases, dungeons etc. those 2 revives mean something to me.) Burning my free revives just to load the game is dumb.
I really think you need to look at making sure you either respawn in a "safe zone" a couple feet away from where you logged out - OR you're immune to damage until you can actually control your character. Being killed during a loading screen is just beyond unreasonable.
PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z
"You must defeat me every time. I need defeat you only once"