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I don't know what to do with my character

Since i started playing eso, I didnt know what I was doing and I still don't. Right now I'm trying to complete the Cadwell's Silver. And I feel like a noob. I just use weapons that I get from killing mobs etc. and my amour (gear?) is also from the dropped items.

I actually like dps and healing and I don't know if it's possible to be both with my high elf templar. If it is possible then can someone try to help me?

Edited by Thessalia on November 19, 2016 8:20PM
  • GrumpyDuckling
    What level are you? Once you reach level 50 you start earning what are called "Champion Points," which are basically your new way of leveling post-50.

    You can split your champion points between healing and dps to create your desired build.

    Also, there's nothing wrong with using set pieces that drop while you're leveling. Once you start doing dungeons or PVPing, that's when you'll definitely want to focus on getting specific sets.
  • ParaNostram
    If you can, commission a crafter. The gold you usually get selling junk can get you enough to get decent sets crafted for you to use. Just do that every so often until you reach end game. Also, this link is the best, you can start adventuring specifically in zones you want the gear from.

    What's most important, however, is that you have fun playing what you play otherwise it's just a chore.
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • Thessalia
    What level are you? Once you reach level 50 you start earning what are called "Champion Points," which are basically your new way of leveling post-50.

    You can split your champion points between healing and dps to create your desired build.

    Also, there's nothing wrong with using set pieces that drop while you're leveling. Once you start doing dungeons or PVPing, that's when you'll definitely want to focus on getting specific sets.

    Well I'm in champion 104 (well it says I'm in champion 104)
  • Tryxus
    Templars are very good DPSers and Healers, and prob the most beginner friendly class in this game.

    Currently, with the improvement to dropped sets, there's a whole variety of great gear to equip. For a Templar, I think the Soulshine 5 piece set is a great set: it can be found in the Reaper's March zone.

    Also crafting is a good way to gain access to very useful sets for your character: try to research as many gear pieces as possible and put a few skill points in the research passive of Clothing/Blacksmithing/Woodworking to help further your research.

    Some of the better crafted sets are Seducer (requires you to know 3 traits on a piece) and Julianos (requires Orsinium DLC and 6 traits on a gear piece)

    If you need help building out your char, there's several great guides and builds on Youtube and Tamrielfoundry
    "Stand strong, stay true and shelter all."
    Tryxus - Guardian of the Green - Warden - PC/EU
  • bebynnag
    high elf templars are deffinatley a good character to do dps & healing on - so you choose very well

    here is a link (made by some genious on the forums, not sure who - but they are amazing) to all the sets that drop & where to find them, just incase comisioning a crafter isnt an option for you
  • lillybit
    High Elf is one of the best races for Templar, so much fun to play when you start getting it geared right.

    It's normal to feel a bit lost when you start, at least it was for me! I didn't begin to get a feel for things until I'd completed Cadwells gold and was looking around for something else to do. I've still got a way to go but I'm getting there.

    You can absolutely be both healer and dps with a Templar tho it won't be the best you could be at either. I run dw swords on my damage bar and and restro staff back bar and love the versatility it gives me, I manage good damage and can heal in an emergency. I imagine if you're doing trails and harder group content you'll want to set up for one or the other but for normal game play, go for it!

    The best advice I can give you is to find a good guild because they'll help so much. Apart from being a good way of making money, a good guild will always give you advice and help you out. It's also a good way to get into group stuff if you want to do that :smile:
    PS4 EU
  • Tia413
    If you are going for a DPS with some Heals then I would suggest all 7 pieces Light armor. Also when working with sets, you want your Weapon to be part of one of the sets.

    I use 4 pieces Light Armor and my Weapon (giving me a total of 5 pieces in this set)

    and the ... 3 pieces of Jewelry and 2 pieces of Light Armor (giving me 5 pieces of this set). (This set is a Dropped Set from the Aldermi Dominion areas (Kenarthi's Roost is the AD's starting zone then you go to Vukhel Guard from there), at least that is where I got my pieces during the Halloween Event).
    The Necklace and Rings drop from the Dolmens there.

    I get the 5 piece bonus from both sets by doing this.

    I am High Elf.

    I use a Destruction staff with a Fire Damage Enchant on it.

    Magicka Build
    Enchants = all Magicka. (although I do have Health Enchants on my Chest and Pants for a bit of extra health)
    Stamina Build
    Enchants = all Stamina (I would guess).

    Stat Points
    If Mag build = all points in Magicka
    Stam build = all points in Stam ( I would guess).

    I am a Magicka build.

    A list of my Skills:
    Sunfire morped to Reflective Light ( Dawns Wraith Class line)

    Piercing Javelin ( to knock back mobs) Morphed to Binding Javelin (to use Stamina instead of Magicka if you are a Magicka build) or Aurora Javelin if you prefer the Magicka version ( Daedric Spear Class line)

    Destructive Touch (once again a knock back, in case you need to knock back another mob) morphed to Destructive Clench (Weapon > Destructive Staff line)

    Restoring Aura morphed to Repentance (Restoring Light Class line)

    Rushed Ceremony morphed to Breathe of Life (Restoring Light Class line) use this heal when you are alone or with another person)

    Healing Ritual morphed to Lingering Ritual (lots don't use this skill anymore, but I find it very helpful to use in groups especially if there is another Templar in the group. Timing is needed here, use after their heal is about midway done doing its job , cast this, then if they cast their heal again and both of you keep rinsing and repeating you should be able to keep a whole group healed and get in a few hits on the mob(s)/boss)

    and for your Ultimate... Nova (Dawns Wraith Class line) morphed to Solar Disturbance.

    This class is very easy to play and sustain. I have been using this build since Level 3 and have only died 3 times (due to having my attention distracted at the time) and I am now Level 50 CP 200.

    I also play solo most of the time. And I can both... Keep myself alive and keep the mobs from even touching me (most of the time) due to how fast we can kill.

    Good Luck! :)
    Edited by Tia413 on November 19, 2016 10:13PM
  • Iselin
    For PVE soloing purposes as a magicka templar, you want to use a Destro staff on both bars. Save the resto staff (and related skills) for when you're in dungeons healing or off-healing.

    Set up one bar with AOE skills and the other one with single target ones. Go easy on self-healing skills - you only need one or two when soloing. Use Blockade of (insert element here), Puncturing Sweep and Blazing Spear on your AOE bar - just those 3 will get you through most of the game.

    Consider using the Mage's Guild Structure Entropy or Degeneration to give yourself a +20% damage boost. Also use Inner Light on both bars to give yourself more magicka and spell critical.

    Wear 7/7 light armor for the regen and other passives. It's very easy these days to equip 2 full sets of armor/weapon/jewelry suitable for your build and get both of those 5-piece bonuses.

    Put all or most of your attribute points into Magicka (although I do prefer myself to do Magicka:Health in a 4:1 ratio while leveling and changing gear constantly)

    Always use blue magicka + health food for your level.
  • ArchMikem
    You need to start putting some focus into your Crafting. Everything you loot off enemy mobs you need to take back to the appropriate crafting station at any major town, such as the Clothing, Blacksmithing, and Woodworking stations, and then deconstruct everything you're willing to get rid of. Doing this will gain experience toward leveling your Crafting skill trees, and your goal is to get them to 50, so that you can craft your own armor and weapons, which are much better than random ones you pick up.

    It will take you a while, but eventually they'll get there. At the same time you need to be researching armor and weapon traits at the stations. At them, going into Research, and then if you have a spare item that has a trait you don't know yet, Research it. The more traits your character knows, the higher level crafted gear sets you can make.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Narvuntien
    If you are looking for Gear go check out the guild traders that are around the place. Sometimes a crafter will craft and sell a full low level set for you. The lower level stuff tends to be resonably priced.

    I am 116cp and I am running half dropped armor and Half bought armor.
  • TheShadowScout
    Thessalia wrote: »
    Since i started playing eso, I didnt know what I was doing and I still don't. Right now I'm trying to complete the Cadwell's Silver. And I feel like a noob. I just use weapons that I get from killing mobs etc. and my amour (gear?) is also from the dropped items...
    Which is actually viable now that decent sets are dropping in the diverse regions - as long as you have acrafter alt to upgrade the one set you like most and want to use to purple. Though with a decent income, some shopping at a good guild store will net you niftyness in terms of gear... you definitely want to run either two full sets, or one set, a miniset (willpower weapons and trinkets) and a partial set. Personally my templar healer has "Almalexias Mercy" as her main set, which is fun to run... but you really should make up your mind about that selection yourself, find what is fun for YOU.

    But you are on the right path, completing cadwells IS a good start, all those skill points, all those XPs to max and morph all you class, weapon, armor and guild skills... and then there is craglorn, orsinium, and possibly TG and DB (unless you prefer your character to be 'good' which some of mine like to be, and thus won't ever join those criminal scum ;) ) It also is neat to experiment... see what skills work best for your playstyle, and which ones you would only use in speialized fights (sometimes it can be quite helpful to tailor your skill load to the fight at hand)

    Healer and DPS... is what magica templars excel at, and altmer are good at handling magica, so... right track again. Put a little in health, and a lot in magica, slip into some light robes, grab a resto staff, and let fly the spells... with the light armor magica boost, you will heal a lot, and also be able to have a good deal of oomph behind your damage spells... (that's the thing behind all those curses about "jesus beam" you know :p )) maybe a destro staff at secondary, so you can switch between a healing heavy selection and a DPS heavy selection... and defensively you can always supplement your HP with a shield or two if needed...

    If you like crafting (and it is useful, even if you were to only use it for cheaper temper improvements), you can earn more then enough skill points to max and morph everything in your class, two weapons, armor, guilds, world and still have easily enough left over for at least three crafts (you can go for all six, but that might be pushing it for skill points. Still doable though if you leave off legerdemain and maybe one guild...). It makes sense to group the crafts though... have one character who does blacksmith, clothier and woodworking, as to have all the motivs you might find on one crafter. Another crafter might go with enchanting, provisioning and alchemy, because you really will want those food buffs and better potions once you go endgame-ing. BtW, don't bother with the "highlight resources", those are generally a waste of skill points if you just keep your eyes open.
  • Thessalia
    Iselin wrote: »
    For PVE soloing purposes as a magicka templar, you want to use a Destro staff on both bars. Save the resto staff (and related skills) for when you're in dungeons healing or off-healing.

    Set up one bar with AOE skills and the other one with single target ones. Go easy on self-healing skills - you only need one or two when soloing. Use Blockade of (insert element here), Puncturing Sweep and Blazing Spear on your AOE bar - just those 3 will get you through most of the game.

    Consider using the Mage's Guild Structure Entropy or Degeneration to give yourself a +20% damage boost. Also use Inner Light on both bars to give yourself more magicka and spell critical.

    Wear 7/7 light armor for the regen and other passives. It's very easy these days to equip 2 full sets of armor/weapon/jewelry suitable for your build and get both of those 5-piece bonuses.

    Put all or most of your attribute points into Magicka (although I do prefer myself to do Magicka:Health in a 4:1 ratio while leveling and changing gear constantly)

    Always use blue magicka + health food for your level.

    Idk why but I never had a Destro staff only resto staff. But thank you for the advice
  • Thessalia
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    You need to start putting some focus into your Crafting. Everything you loot off enemy mobs you need to take back to the appropriate crafting station at any major town, such as the Clothing, Blacksmithing, and Woodworking stations, and then deconstruct everything you're willing to get rid of. Doing this will gain experience toward leveling your Crafting skill trees, and your goal is to get them to 50, so that you can craft your own armor and weapons, which are much better than random ones you pick up.

    It will take you a while, but eventually they'll get there. At the same time you need to be researching armor and weapon traits at the stations. At them, going into Research, and then if you have a spare item that has a trait you don't know yet, Research it. The more traits your character knows, the higher level crafted gear sets you can make.

    I've been doing that recently even though I don't know how to craft. So idk what to do with all the good stuff I get. But I'm also trying to get my crafting skills to lvl 50.
    Edited by Thessalia on November 20, 2016 1:21PM
  • Iselin
    Thessalia wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    For PVE soloing purposes as a magicka templar, you want to use a Destro staff on both bars. Save the resto staff (and related skills) for when you're in dungeons healing or off-healing.

    Set up one bar with AOE skills and the other one with single target ones. Go easy on self-healing skills - you only need one or two when soloing. Use Blockade of (insert element here), Puncturing Sweep and Blazing Spear on your AOE bar - just those 3 will get you through most of the game.

    Consider using the Mage's Guild Structure Entropy or Degeneration to give yourself a +20% damage boost. Also use Inner Light on both bars to give yourself more magicka and spell critical.

    Wear 7/7 light armor for the regen and other passives. It's very easy these days to equip 2 full sets of armor/weapon/jewelry suitable for your build and get both of those 5-piece bonuses.

    Put all or most of your attribute points into Magicka (although I do prefer myself to do Magicka:Health in a 4:1 ratio while leveling and changing gear constantly)

    Always use blue magicka + health food for your level.

    Idk why but I never had a Destro staff only resto staff. But thank you for the advice

    If you play on PC I highly recommend an add-on called SWAPS It's very handy if you play with different skills and weapons when soloing or grouping. You set-up and save a skill bar and ultimate for each occasion and easily swap to the one you want in a pinch whenever you're out of combat. It's especially useful for tanks and healers.

    And you're welcome :) The damaging abilities of the Destro Staff will make a big difference to how quickly you dispose of the baddies. I tend to favor a fire staff on my single target bar for the most damage and a lightning one on my AOE bar since lightning staves do AOE damage. The damage ticks of Blockade of Lightning typically do my top or 2nd from the top amount of damage - I even use it against single enemies for the damage over time while I also hit them with single target skills.
    Edited by Iselin on November 20, 2016 4:05PM
  • Thessalia
    Iselin wrote: »
    Thessalia wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    For PVE soloing purposes as a magicka templar, you want to use a Destro staff on both bars. Save the resto staff (and related skills) for when you're in dungeons healing or off-healing.

    Set up one bar with AOE skills and the other one with single target ones. Go easy on self-healing skills - you only need one or two when soloing. Use Blockade of (insert element here), Puncturing Sweep and Blazing Spear on your AOE bar - just those 3 will get you through most of the game.

    Consider using the Mage's Guild Structure Entropy or Degeneration to give yourself a +20% damage boost. Also use Inner Light on both bars to give yourself more magicka and spell critical.

    Wear 7/7 light armor for the regen and other passives. It's very easy these days to equip 2 full sets of armor/weapon/jewelry suitable for your build and get both of those 5-piece bonuses.

    Put all or most of your attribute points into Magicka (although I do prefer myself to do Magicka:Health in a 4:1 ratio while leveling and changing gear constantly)

    Always use blue magicka + health food for your level.

    Idk why but I never had a Destro staff only resto staff. But thank you for the advice

    If you play on PC I highly recommend an add-on called SWAPS It's very handy if you play with different skills and weapons when soloing or grouping. You set-up and save a skill bar and ultimate for each occasion and easily swap to the one you want in a pinch whenever you're out of combat. It's especially useful for tanks and healers.

    And you're welcome :) The damaging abilities of the Destro Staff will make a big difference to how quickly you dispose of the baddies. I tend to favor a fire staff on my single target bar for the most damage and a lightning one on my AOE bar since lightning staves do AOE damage. The damage ticks of Blockade of Lightning typically do my top or 2nd from the top amount of damage - I even use it against single enemies for the damage over time while I also hit them with single target skills.

    Is it possible to craft it? Because I can't find anyone selling Destro staff but only Resto staff

  • Iselin
    Thessalia wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    Thessalia wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    For PVE soloing purposes as a magicka templar, you want to use a Destro staff on both bars. Save the resto staff (and related skills) for when you're in dungeons healing or off-healing.

    Set up one bar with AOE skills and the other one with single target ones. Go easy on self-healing skills - you only need one or two when soloing. Use Blockade of (insert element here), Puncturing Sweep and Blazing Spear on your AOE bar - just those 3 will get you through most of the game.

    Consider using the Mage's Guild Structure Entropy or Degeneration to give yourself a +20% damage boost. Also use Inner Light on both bars to give yourself more magicka and spell critical.

    Wear 7/7 light armor for the regen and other passives. It's very easy these days to equip 2 full sets of armor/weapon/jewelry suitable for your build and get both of those 5-piece bonuses.

    Put all or most of your attribute points into Magicka (although I do prefer myself to do Magicka:Health in a 4:1 ratio while leveling and changing gear constantly)

    Always use blue magicka + health food for your level.

    Idk why but I never had a Destro staff only resto staff. But thank you for the advice

    If you play on PC I highly recommend an add-on called SWAPS It's very handy if you play with different skills and weapons when soloing or grouping. You set-up and save a skill bar and ultimate for each occasion and easily swap to the one you want in a pinch whenever you're out of combat. It's especially useful for tanks and healers.

    And you're welcome :) The damaging abilities of the Destro Staff will make a big difference to how quickly you dispose of the baddies. I tend to favor a fire staff on my single target bar for the most damage and a lightning one on my AOE bar since lightning staves do AOE damage. The damage ticks of Blockade of Lightning typically do my top or 2nd from the top amount of damage - I even use it against single enemies for the damage over time while I also hit them with single target skills.

    Is it possible to craft it? Because I can't find anyone selling Destro staff but only Resto staff

    What level are you? The market is sort of lacking at the moment for any gear not CP160. If you're in the NAPC server just send me a message or mail and I'll craft a couple for you if you're below CP160... @Iselin just like in the forums.
  • Thessalia
    Iselin wrote: »
    Thessalia wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    Thessalia wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    For PVE soloing purposes as a magicka templar, you want to use a Destro staff on both bars. Save the resto staff (and related skills) for when you're in dungeons healing or off-healing.

    Set up one bar with AOE skills and the other one with single target ones. Go easy on self-healing skills - you only need one or two when soloing. Use Blockade of (insert element here), Puncturing Sweep and Blazing Spear on your AOE bar - just those 3 will get you through most of the game.

    Consider using the Mage's Guild Structure Entropy or Degeneration to give yourself a +20% damage boost. Also use Inner Light on both bars to give yourself more magicka and spell critical.

    Wear 7/7 light armor for the regen and other passives. It's very easy these days to equip 2 full sets of armor/weapon/jewelry suitable for your build and get both of those 5-piece bonuses.

    Put all or most of your attribute points into Magicka (although I do prefer myself to do Magicka:Health in a 4:1 ratio while leveling and changing gear constantly)

    Always use blue magicka + health food for your level.

    Idk why but I never had a Destro staff only resto staff. But thank you for the advice

    If you play on PC I highly recommend an add-on called SWAPS It's very handy if you play with different skills and weapons when soloing or grouping. You set-up and save a skill bar and ultimate for each occasion and easily swap to the one you want in a pinch whenever you're out of combat. It's especially useful for tanks and healers.

    And you're welcome :) The damaging abilities of the Destro Staff will make a big difference to how quickly you dispose of the baddies. I tend to favor a fire staff on my single target bar for the most damage and a lightning one on my AOE bar since lightning staves do AOE damage. The damage ticks of Blockade of Lightning typically do my top or 2nd from the top amount of damage - I even use it against single enemies for the damage over time while I also hit them with single target skills.

    Is it possible to craft it? Because I can't find anyone selling Destro staff but only Resto staff

    What level are you? The market is sort of lacking at the moment for any gear not CP160. If you're in the NAPC server just send me a message or mail and I'll craft a couple for you if you're below CP160... @Iselin just like in the forums.

    CP 107 and I'm on EUPC but still thank you
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