Kena or Velidreth?

what sets better from a dps, primarily pve perspective?
  • Enslaved
    I like velidreth better for any of my stam builds. But I can understand that some very good players that have crazy sustain can go with kena as choice.
  • DPShiro
    Kra'gh, then Velidreth.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
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  • DRXHarbinger
    Sellestrix. Because it's actually pretty damn good. Krags always fires from bow attacks making it miss and it's range seems shorter than 5m so half the time it does nothing. Sellestrix is just plain beast. But then when using Tbs and having veli hit for near 30k is pretty sweet. And fact it does hit more than one target. It's almost as if the design pattern was on par with the usual 3 man trash packs. Stand in the right place and melt all of them at once.
    PC Master Race

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  • Mojmir
    Veli is nice,kragh is better but a smaller hit box
  • threefarms
  • Delimber
    I like the Velidreth for stam dps.

    Kena is nice for mag dps and stam dps and you can control when to use it. (2 light attacks vs 20% chance to proc)

    On the other hand you don't lose resources with Velidretth, and you abilities cost 33% more with Kena.

    If you have both sets try them both out and see what works with your set up.

    As it is right now for me I don't run the Kena set on any of my builds.
    Solo PvP and PvE most of the time.
    CP 2700+
  • Lashiing
    build to your playstyle

    veli - burst/aoe (3x 17k's)
    kraugh - dot (small area, high damage)
    selene - one shots (1x 25k)
    kena - hard af to use, good for bomb builds
    illambris - stationary aoe
    skoria - moving aoe
    PC/NA ― Dancing Jesters

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    AD – Dunmer Dragonknight – Dps – Lashiing
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  • Flameheart
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Kra'gh, then Velidreth.


    Kragh for single target dps, Velidreth for AoE if you have a luxury problem while possessing both sets in medium and divines.

    Btw: You use Kragh for the penetration bonus in the first line, because this matters the most for your dps.

    Edited by Flameheart on November 18, 2016 3:41PM
    Sometimes the prey turns and nips us... it's a small thing.

    So let the snow flakes and unicorns dance alone until they melt or vanish from existence, we will finish up with those smart enough to stay in the glowing circle of love.

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    Suldreni - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sulhelka - CP 1k+ Altmer Magicka Sorcerer (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sylundine - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Warden (Ebonheart Pact)

  • WalksonGraves
    Velidreth isn't aoe,
    Flameheart wrote: »


    Kragh for single target dps, Velidreth for AoE if you have a luxury problem while possessing both sets in medium and divines.

    Btw: You use Kragh for the penetration bonus in the first line, because this matters the most for your dps.

    Velidreth isn't aoe and often misses. Stormfist has aoe and similar damage. Personally I like 15k to everything better than 20k to one target, maybe.
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