Never in my life have I seen such anti-consumer and a lacking customer service, even companies with 1/8th of a budget have a better customer service than ZON. None of my tickets have been responded to and when I they get responded to it has nothing to do with the ticket topic.
I had enough of this, I payed money to play this bug hell.. the least you could do is reply to my tickets.
Here is the laughable part, the ticket is a simple fix but even that they can't do. My ticket is about a missing costume, YES a bloody costume... When I tell them that "Saints Costume" is missing and they don't even reply for a simple costume missing its worrying. In a sense that they don't know how to respond or even fix the problem. I am really considering publishing this in social medias because a company with such a budget should never have this poor service.
If you ZON lacks personnel to provide customer service I am willing with no pay! its really shameful and upsetting... I mean I am wondering what will happen if someone gets their account hacked, will they just sit back and do nothing? I really regret buying ESO, I really do and it breaks my heart to say it cause I always wanted to play elder scrolls game online

Anyway, the minor bug I have experienced is missing "Golden Saint" costume, I can't imagine what others with worse bugs or problems they have which ZON refuses to help.