I'm hoping for something against hope. A true expansion. 80 hours of storyline, three new full zones (including one on an oblivion plane similar to coldharbor, and several microzones), expansions on all the guild questlines (thieves, dark brotherhood, fighters, mages, and even undaunted). Continues the main story, but this time completely independent of faction, only to have you choose a faction at the end (for a permanent faction change if you choose) or neutral.
Launch it on the 3-year date of April 4, 2017.
This would let them merchandise the game back up to the full $60 for the next three years, but would be available to those who already own the base game for $45.
Introducing a level cap increase from 50 to 70. CP cap increase to 750. Includes a large surplus to base-game and prior DLC content, including: new homes, new tattoos, new personalities, new hairstyles, new armor transmog options, new mount armor and equipment options, more PvP battleground maps and modes, new daily assignments for all guilds, new hiest zones, assassination missions, fighters guild defense jobs and mages guild research assignments.
Also we see the addition of the new spellmaking system, as well as manor islands! These private, magically created estates give the players full control over their manor house and surrounding outbuildings, allowing players to grow crops, dig up mini-dungeons, and even build their own lair/hideaways!
This of course would happen AFTER the Dark Brotherhood DLC, the 'House, Hearth and Home' DLC (which included barber shops, more personalities, and overall improvements of the roleplay system on consoles by introducing local area and guild text chat options), and the 'Fires of War' DLC (which includes massive overhaul of Cyrodiil and calculation handling which reduces lag and increases responsiveness, as well as the introduction of 20v20v20 battlegrounds and 1v1 dueling).