Wish I had known that before. What about the question, if I can't pay a guard my fine (it says I will be killed on sight, the first guard did it with one swing.) do I just throw the character in the trash and start over or what? Is there a way to surrender/pay that I am missing?
Since bounty value is dependent on your level, having a specific value for KoS doesn't really work. It's easier to say assault/murder=large bounty=KoS, everything else=small bounty=not KoS.Knootewoot wrote: »I think "Kill on Sight" is a bit harsch. KOS should be the case when you have:
- a bounty > 10000
- Flee from a guard
If you have a smaller bounty, or do not have the gold to pay the bounty you should
- have to option to flee (and risk KOS)
- Be transported to a jail (and confiscated from only and all stolen items)
When in jail the normal timer that decreases your bounty should keep decreasing. When bounty=0, you automaticly transport outside the prison and you can keep going about your business.
Since bounty value is dependent on your level, having a specific value for KoS doesn't really work. It's easier to say assault/murder=large bounty=KoS, everything else=small bounty=not KoS.Knootewoot wrote: »I think "Kill on Sight" is a bit harsch. KOS should be the case when you have:
- a bounty > 10000
- Flee from a guard
If you have a smaller bounty, or do not have the gold to pay the bounty you should
- have to option to flee (and risk KOS)
- Be transported to a jail (and confiscated from only and all stolen items)
When in jail the normal timer that decreases your bounty should keep decreasing. When bounty=0, you automaticly transport outside the prison and you can keep going about your business.
Jail wouldn't really work, as you'd be locking people out from playing the game for the period of the timer. (Community Service would work better in a persistent world setting.)
Knootewoot wrote: »Since bounty value is dependent on your level, having a specific value for KoS doesn't really work. It's easier to say assault/murder=large bounty=KoS, everything else=small bounty=not KoS.Knootewoot wrote: »I think "Kill on Sight" is a bit harsch. KOS should be the case when you have:
- a bounty > 10000
- Flee from a guard
If you have a smaller bounty, or do not have the gold to pay the bounty you should
- have to option to flee (and risk KOS)
- Be transported to a jail (and confiscated from only and all stolen items)
When in jail the normal timer that decreases your bounty should keep decreasing. When bounty=0, you automaticly transport outside the prison and you can keep going about your business.
Jail wouldn't really work, as you'd be locking people out from playing the game for the period of the timer. (Community Service would work better in a persistent world setting.)
Well I understand as no one else how annoying it can be. I destroyed several (illegal) crops and killed some cows in ArchAge. When I was killed I was sent to jail 18 hours real time. I escaped but I could not do any activity in that 18 hours, nor call my horse.
The penalty in ESO-jail could of course be shortened, or the player could choose the option "Sleep" on the bunk bed so he is transported outside immediately like the tradiotional TES games. Of course without the time going fast forward. Perhaps add a small debuff for 5 mins if you "serve your sentence".
DMuehlhausen wrote: »