I made a post on Reddit of a simple combat buff tracker concept that I made in paint -
https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/5chgyw/discussion_console_buff_tracker_concept/ . It was 98% upvoted with ~40 points, so it shows that a lot of people who took the time to look at it agreed with it.
The console version has no addons and while addons would be greatly appreciated, I think a good start would be a stream lined buff tracker, something like this -
http://imgur.com/8L27rBM .
This type of tracker would work for combat buff skills you cast by showing a remaining timer above the skill icon. It would also serve as a reminder as when to recast your own buffs.
EDIT: Should have mentioned to see back bar buffs you would swap to said bar to see the duration left on the buffs.
IMO, it would be more difficult / complicated to implement a system that could track all buffs / debuffs from youself/allies / enemies, food/xp/non-combat buffs, etc., at least right now, but if you have suggestions feel free to leave them. I think that the benefit of this concept is how clean it would integrate into the current UI.
Would you like something similar to this to be implemented into the game?
Edited by wylievc on November 14, 2016 1:45AM
Console players: Would you like a simple combat buff tracker like this? 35 votes
Yes, I would like a combat buff tracker similar to this in game.
I would like addons, but this would be an acceptable alternative for tracking combat buffs.
No, I would prefer not to have the ability to track buffs on the UI.