Alright, so bar 1 is puncturing sweeps, breath of life, channeled focus, structured entropy, blazing spear [for cc]
bar 2 is breath of life, mist form, channeled focus, extended ritual, and that one restoring light one that grants more magicka regen for 15 seconds dont remember the name.
My problem is I know the mechanics very very well by now, its that I just cant seem to dps the boss down and always end up running out of magicka and dying. My general strategy is as follows
kill hoarver at beginning, dps boss, kill webspinner, kill daedric spider / repeat. By the time i get him down to the phase where hes stunned I honestly have like no magicka whatsoever so end up having to put dots and heavy attack to get myself back up. I've been swapping between soulshine/julianos [both heavy impen pvp gear] and spinners/night mothers sorrow all divines. I have been sticking with heavy armor cause i seem to survive much longer / get better heals due to armor passives.
I honestly dont believe my CP is a problem but i'll still post it i got 100 into magician rest into arcanist about 76 at this point, 70ish into hardy 70ish into elemental defender, 30ish into thick skinned, 30 into thermaturge, 100 into elementalist rest into elfborn
Mutagem - AD Stamina Nightblade - Prefect
Mutagentleman - AD Magicka Templar - Palatine
Mutageneticist - AD Magicka Sorcerer - Corporal