it was during the last weekend of the witches festival, so it would be longer now...
I leveled my last char in IC sewers. It was the first char I was power leveling, so I can't compare, but it was pretty fast. Changing training gear every 10 lvls and xp scrolls. Howerver, it was during the last weekend of the witches festival, so it would be longer now...
FloppyTouch wrote: »IC
Galenus_of_Pergamon wrote: »What's a guy (or gal) to do to power level their characters to level 50?
Galenus_of_Pergamon wrote: »What's a guy (or gal) to do to power level their characters to level 50?
Wait for the next double xp event (anniversary in April?) and jump onto the dolmen train.
I got 9 characters to level 50 in the past week or so - 4 of those brand new and all but 1 of the others under had been under level 10. I got another to 36 and there was enough time to get him to 50 but I was too sick of it by then.
It's dreadfully boring but easy and effective.
vamp_emily wrote: »One thing I would do is go to different grinding spots and monitor how much XP you gain.
This was something I worked on a while back when I was looking for good places to grind CP:
One thing I found out by tracking my XP was that some people said IC was the best place to grind, but Coldharbor gave me more XP than any other place.
Even though Coldharbor was the best place for me to grind XP, I tend to like IC because I get XP, stones, keys ( to open vaults ) and AP. Also, it doesn't feel like a grind.
The place is IC and the reward is Tel Var stones. Of course you will lose some when you die, but you will be able to retain ~80% of them overall if you deposit them regularly in the bank. And you can use those stones to buy gear on your CP level characters, which will be max CP by default. Or buy those sets or Hakeijos and resell them for gold. One added perk is that you will be leveling fighters guild, since all NPC enemies are daedra, and AwA skills, since you will surely come against enemy players and manage to kill some. If your alliance dominates the campaign and has emperor, you will have an XP and AP bonus, and if it has scrolls also stat bonuses. Which also help beating the NPCs easier.