Magicka Dragonknight Burning Spellweave 3.5k spell dmg

Hey guys just finished getting all my gear together for my new build on my Mag dk With lich you almost hve inifnite resouces and with burning spell weave you hit stupidly hard in comparrison to what i was previously running for pvp :) hope you guys like the video and if anyone is curious about the build have a peek in the description :) Mag Dks are not dead but you have to really play smart with all these proc stam builds hitting you left right and center :) thanks to anyone who spends the time watching and have a great day!
  • Slylok
    This makes me want to respec my tank DK haha.
    Youtube ESO First Person Gameplay -

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  • Valen_Byte
    Bravo, well done : ))
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • frownsyndromes
    Slylok wrote: »
    This makes me want to respec my tank DK haha.

    Do it man its way too fun to not mess around with :)
  • frownsyndromes
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Bravo, well done : ))

    thank you sir :)
  • leepalmer95
    .. Is there a reason your double slotting embers?

    Though this setup has basically been mag dk meta since this patch release.

    Though you should go 2x skoria as well, you dont need spell weave on both bars, just stick it on your main bar as it proc's off the fire dots anyway.
    Edited by leepalmer95 on November 6, 2016 3:05PM
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Been running destro + S&B on magicka DK, and it's nice to see more fire stafff magDK videos. However, I'd say you are missing the best part, destro ulti.

    Also, fire staff heavy attack can hit very hard but unfortunately every time you wind it up, you are opening up yourself to get knocked down by crit rush + dizzying swing + dawnbreaker or similar combos.
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on November 6, 2016 3:03PM
  • frownsyndromes
    .. Is there a reason your double slotting embers?

    one is ingneous weapons bro they just look very similar :)
    Been running destro + S&B on magicka DK, and it's nice to see more fire stafff magDK videos. However, I'd say you are missing the best part, destro ulti.

    Also, fire staff heavy attack can hit very hard but unfortunately every time you wind it up, you are opening up yourself to get knocked down by crit rush + dizzying swing + dawnbreaker or similar combos.

    yeah man nice i really wanna go get the ulti morphed man so i can run it :) keen as a bean
  • Tonnopesce
    Not cool... You kill almost only smurfs...

    Nice video, nice build bravo

  • Lava_Croft
    You're not supposed to post MagDK builds because people might stop believing that MagDK's are crappy. ;)

    Well done!
  • Calboy
    I've come across some insane mdks this patch, very very hard to kill and people around them thinking pfft just a mdk are dropping like flies. Probably a build like this.
    Edited by Calboy on November 6, 2016 6:04PM
  • Ghost-Shot
    Nice video, I'm really intrigued by the destro/resto set up.
  • stevepdodson_ESO888
    straight from the pages of Deltia...but nice try anyway
  • frownsyndromes
    straight from the pages of Deltia...but nice try anyway
    i highly doubt deltia runs a resto as his dps bar lol
  • frownsyndromes
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    Nice video, I'm really intrigued by the destro/resto set up.

    thanks man appreciate it :)
  • frownsyndromes
    Tonnopesce wrote: »
    Not cool... You kill almost only smurfs...

    Nice video, nice build bravo

    thank you sir appreciate the kind words
  • frownsyndromes
    .. Is there a reason your double slotting embers?

    Though this setup has basically been mag dk meta since this patch release.

    Though you should go 2x skoria as well, you dont need spell weave on both bars, just stick it on your main bar as it proc's off the fire dots anyway.

    i dont run spellweave bothe bars man i have lich on back bar burning spellweave front bar :)
  • svartorn
    Damn, need to get my magicka dk to level 50.
  • frownsyndromes
    yeah brpther you wont regret it :)
    Edited by frownsyndromes on November 6, 2016 11:47PM
  • frownsyndromes
    Calboy wrote: »
    I've come across some insane mdks this patch, very very hard to kill and people around them thinking pfft just a mdk are dropping like flies. Probably a build like this.

    thats what we rely on hahahah
  • malchior
    This should be moved to Combat & Character Mechanics.
  • frownsyndromes
    malchior wrote: »
    This should be moved to Combat & Character Mechanics.

    thats very responible of you thanks for taking time out of your day to make the forums a bertter place you truely are a god among men
  • frownsyndromes
    but on a serious note a forum mod is by all means welcome to change this to combat and mechanics ) my bad
  • soleil.clercb14_ESO
    What is the skill on your destro bar between fossilize and spiked armor?
  • daswahnsinn
    This makes me want to respec my steam dk. This looks fun. What's your ideal rotation and build for this. Looks great in action.
    Edited by daswahnsinn on November 7, 2016 5:53PM
    | | daswahnsinn | Vet 16 Nord Dragon Knight | Bow/Dual Wield/Two-Handed Sword| DPS | | Warrior of the EbonHeart Pact | |
  • frownsyndromes
    What is the skill on your destro bar between fossilize and spiked armor?

    mist form brother its from the vampire skill tree :)
  • frownsyndromes
    This makes me want to respec my steam dk. This looks fun. What's your ideal rotation and build for this. Looks great in action.

    idealy man the fossilise double whip combo for the powerlash is goood but my new fave its once my dots are up i porc my infernal guardin fossilise and while they are in that i wind up a heavy attack with my inferno and just as they are about to break free i let it rip with a hefty whip animatoion cancel :) usually does the job and saves your ulti :) however its almost impoossible to pull that of in a 1vx situation :)
  • frownsyndromes
    oh i forgot to say if your stuggling with reocurses bro just use harness magicka itll sort you out :)
  • Dymence
    oh i forgot to say if your stuggling with reocurses bro just use harness magicka itll sort you out :)

    Not against stam it won't
  • frownsyndromes
    Dymence wrote: »
    oh i forgot to say if your stuggling with reocurses bro just use harness magicka itll sort you out :)

    Not against stam it won't

    in general open world scenario son
  • Malmai
    Stam will kick ur ass atm.
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