Waffennacht wrote: »According to your sig you're a stamsorc , if this what you are referencing, then you have access to more now than ever before. Also sorcs in general have the most pigeonholed line up in the game.
In this specific instance i agree variations need to be expanded. Maybe give mag sorc an actual selection of dps moves? It's sad when I have a slot open on my bar but nothing to put in it, where stam builds have the problem of too much to choose from.
But I love having more and more sets
Waffennacht wrote: »According to your sig you're a stamsorc , if this what you are referencing, then you have access to more now than ever before. Also sorcs in general have the most pigeonholed line up in the game.
In this specific instance i agree variations need to be expanded. Maybe give mag sorc an actual selection of dps moves? It's sad when I have a slot open on my bar but nothing to put in it, where stam builds have the problem of too much to choose from.
But I love having more and more sets
Stamsorcs have only 1 active ability in stamina(Hurrican Aoe|DoT), 2 buffs (surge + Dark Deal), Bound Armor (only PvE toggle)
Is this enough? No. Stamsorc good now only with right sets + proc (Implosion) from Hurricane
If ZoS decide nerf sets (Viper, bugged Tremor) we can bury stamsorc again.
Have you tried DW and a more DoT build? I mean something based on blodthirst, blood craze and lascerate. Having bolt escape slotted and hurricane and a buff like surge or rearming trap is more than enough imho.
Or a Aoe build with steelnado and hurricane (windy, windy)
At least you are not a magicka DK trying to play ranged...
At least you are not a magicka DK trying to play ranged...
Have you tried DW and a more DoT build? I mean something based on blodthirst, blood craze and lascerate. Having bolt escape slotted and hurricane and a buff like surge or rearming trap is more than enough imho.
Or a Aoe build with steelnado and hurricane (windy, windy)
At least you are not a magicka DK trying to play ranged...
I've tryied, yeah, but now i'm talking about lack of class abilities. If we use 3-4 class abilities and 6-7 non-class, can we say that classes even exist?At least you are not a magicka DK trying to play ranged...
and also u need class finisher
I don't think classes should have everything you need and in some cases there are things other clases would like to have because the seem cool but they're not that cool.
For example magicka NBs have a execution skill that almost never.
I think that stam sorcs don't have a spammable skill (like all sorcs) so they need to look for one of them in other lines, in the same way stam DKs need an execution skill and for that reason use 2H, or a mobility buff and become vamps
I don't think classes should have everything you need and in some cases there are things other clases would like to have because the seem cool but they're not that cool.
For example magicka NBs have a execution skill that almost never.
I think that stam sorcs don't have a spammable skill (like all sorcs) so they need to look for one of them in other lines, in the same way stam DKs need an execution skill and for that reason use 2H, or a mobility buff and become vamps
and as result we have skill panel with 1-2 class abilities and 2-4 from non-class lines. Can I feel myself as sorcerer with this? No. I'm Fighters Guild Victor.
Or a MagSorc trying to melee. Ranged MagDK has more options than a Melee MagSorc.Waffennacht wrote: »According to your sig you're a stamsorc , if this what you are referencing, then you have access to more now than ever before. Also sorcs in general have the most pigeonholed line up in the game.
In this specific instance i agree variations need to be expanded. Maybe give mag sorc an actual selection of dps moves? It's sad when I have a slot open on my bar but nothing to put in it, where stam builds have the problem of too much to choose from.
But I love having more and more sets
Stamsorcs have only 1 active ability in stamina(Hurrican Aoe|DoT), 2 buffs (surge + Dark Deal), Bound Armor (only PvE toggle)
Is this enough? No. Stamsorc good now only with right sets + proc (Implosion) from Hurricane
If ZoS decide nerf sets (Viper, bugged Tremor) we can bury stamsorc again.
Have you tried DW and a more DoT build? I mean something based on blodthirst, blood craze and lascerate. Having bolt escape slotted and hurricane and a buff like surge or rearming trap is more than enough imho.
Or a Aoe build with steelnado and hurricane (windy, windy)
At least you are not a magicka DK trying to play ranged...
Waffennacht wrote: »
I don't think classes should have everything you need and in some cases there are things other clases would like to have because the seem cool but they're not that cool.
For example magicka NBs have a execution skill that almost never.
I think that stam sorcs don't have a spammable skill (like all sorcs) so they need to look for one of them in other lines, in the same way stam DKs need an execution skill and for that reason use 2H, or a mobility buff and become vamps
and as result we have skill panel with 1-2 class abilities and 2-4 from non-class lines. Can I feel myself as sorcerer with this? No. I'm Fighters Guild Victor.
I absolutely agree, My original intent was to express they at least did something. Every mSorc has curse/prey frag and wrath, because that's all we have, so much so Sorcs spam a 1-2k dmg move just to proc frags.
But here's the thing, ZoS purposely doesn't want sorcs to have a spammable dps move, this is the one and only reason they changed Trapping Webs, it was our spammable dps move after they changed the original Daedric Tomb (which was fing amazing)
So, what we want isn't so much an oversight but is an intentional gap.
I've been a mSorc for almost two years now, I barked up that tree after each nerf. I bet we'll see more proc sets for magicka before we see new moves (MAYBE next update if they re do mage's guild)
We need new class mechanics, rework of many useless current skills, skill trees and their morphs. And new skills too.
I wanna feel that I play CLASS but not mix of different skills from different lines which make my class less individual
Waffennacht wrote: »According to your sig you're a stamsorc , if this what you are referencing, then you have access to more now than ever before. Also sorcs in general have the most pigeonholed line up in the game.
In this specific instance i agree variations need to be expanded. Maybe give mag sorc an actual selection of dps moves? It's sad when I have a slot open on my bar but nothing to put in it, where stam builds have the problem of too much to choose from.
But I love having more and more sets
Stamsorcs have only 1 active ability in stamina(Hurrican Aoe|DoT), 2 buffs (surge + Dark Deal), Bound Armor (only PvE toggle)
Is this enough? No. Stamsorc good now only with right sets + proc (Implosion) from Hurricane
If ZoS decide nerf sets (Viper, bugged Tremor) we can bury stamsorc again.
You not going to get stamina crystal frag, that's been clearly communicated to.
Stamsorc does not need viper and tremorscale lol. Sounds like you need them to do well.
well, if this is the make-a-wish foundation, i'd like them to improve the balance between existing sets, skills and skill lines and after that add new sets and skill lines.
Is this enough? No. Stamsorc good now only with right sets + proc (Implosion) from Hurricane
Is this enough? No. Stamsorc good now only with right sets + proc (Implosion) from Hurricane
So what about the underplayed combinations, like DK Healer? They don't even have the option of 'good only with the right sets'
These are the areas of the game that need filling, the fundamental core of each class in each role.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »This is necromancy, but whatever it takes to revive my dead stamDk.
We need new weapon skills, and possibly a rework to unused fighters guild/undaunted abilities.
Wrecking blow / flurry could also see some changes to bring them back from oblivion.
And yes, Im talking from a PvP perspective.
I think it was bad decision to promise every role to all classes cuz they cant design current metas well
seems 90% of ZoS are in marketing and crown store departments
P.S. as to me you offer good decision but I dont believe it wolud be rerality in close terms.
We need new class mechanics, rework of many useless current skills, skill trees and their morphs. And new skills too.
I wanna feel that I play CLASS but not mix of different skills from different lines which make my class less individual
Lord_Dexter wrote: »We need more sets (gives more build diversity) and someday gear cap to increase.
We need new class mechanics, rework of many useless current skills, skill trees and their morphs. And new skills too.
I wanna feel that I play CLASS but not mix of different skills from different lines which make my class less individual
look at it this way, you only can slot 10 abilities/skills and 2 ultimates,
and you have over 80 possibilities to slot, so where exactly is your problem?????
Lord_Dexter wrote: »We need more sets (gives more build diversity) and someday gear cap to increase.
We need new class mechanics, rework of many useless current skills, skill trees and their morphs. And new skills too.
I wanna feel that I play CLASS but not mix of different skills from different lines which make my class less individual
look at it this way, you only can slot 10 abilities/skills and 2 ultimates,
and you have over 80 possibilities to slot, so where exactly is your problem?????
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »We need new class mechanics, rework of many useless current skills, skill trees and their morphs. And new skills too.
I wanna feel that I play CLASS but not mix of different skills from different lines which make my class less individual
look at it this way, you only can slot 10 abilities/skills and 2 ultimates,
and you have over 80 possibilities to slot, so where exactly is your problem?????
The problem is class identity. The way how the class feels.
In PvE most people use 2 class skills on stam sorcs: Hurricane and Surge. And the latter gets often dropped for Bound Armaments since you can get major brutality from pots and heals from, you know, your healer. But Armaments is a dead skill, bar space heavy and only slotted for passives. You never use that actively. Don't get me started about Ultimates for that game part.
In PvP I use a max of 3 class skills. Hurricane, Streak and, if I've got space for it, Dark Deal. Surge doesn't even make it there. Atronach is *** there. Negate is viable in bigger group fights okay, but for actual fighting not so much. And Overload is only used for another bar, which ironically is filled with more non-class skills. Overload isn't used much outside of some mSorc ganking.
So what's the point in "over 80 possibilites to slot" on my stam sorc, when I can barely feel that I play a stam sorc at all?
Up to 7 of the passives are not very useful for them too.