Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »PvP needs some adjustments in all honestly I feel that shields should be based off max health like Igneous shield and they should have buffs applied like Major ward or Minor ward so they cannot be stacked but if this happens the duration should be increased/reinstated.
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »PvP needs some adjustments in all honestly I feel that shields should be based off max health like Igneous shield and they should have buffs applied like Major ward or Minor ward so they cannot be stacked but if this happens the duration should be increased/reinstated. I feel that healing needs to scale off your max health not max stamina/magicka so for example vigor without major mending heals me for around 15k and my max health is 22k in PvP (16k in PvE) I believe my healing for vigor should heal half of what my health is. Obviously that's pretty huge and could be disastrous but I feel it's the step in the right direction.
Lastly I feel the return of soft caps is needed, many will disagree but I certainly feel it needs to be back. If we get soft caps back maybe the changes I want above could be removed as they will take care of themselves.
lordrichter wrote: »First, we need a next ESO Live...
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »PvP needs some adjustments in all honestly I feel that shields should be based off max health like Igneous shield and they should have buffs applied like Major ward or Minor ward so they cannot be stacked but if this happens the duration should be increased/reinstated. I feel that healing needs to scale off your max health not max stamina/magicka so for example vigor without major mending heals me for around 15k and my max health is 22k in PvP (16k in PvE) I believe my healing for vigor should heal half of what my health is. Obviously that's pretty huge and could be disastrous but I feel it's the step in the right direction.
Lastly I feel the return of soft caps is needed, many will disagree but I certainly feel it needs to be back. If we get soft caps back maybe the changes I want above could be removed as they will take care of themselves.
- Any of your changes ONLY if they seperate that strictly from PVE. They already said that wouldn't do that, so no
- Shields based of health?! It's a horrible concept already with igneous shield, why would you doom all other classes too? My DK-Heal would love a redone version of igneous without 100%+ but stronger shield for group scaled on magicka.
- Heals based of health? You are killing my healer is supposed to run around with 40k HP and 10k magicka just to heal you and runs OOM the moment he casted 3 spells? I'm healer not a tank. With your idea I would be both.
- Soft caps? Seriously? Is that horse still not dead? They are gone and that is fine, the problem aren't soft caps the problem is the max magicka/stamina meta since it boosts your damage. THAT needs to be redone.
Sorry, but imho your ideas are horrible.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »@Zakor
Do note that I said those changes are disatraous but a step in the right direction. You should not be able to heal but then place a high amounts of DPS or even do high DPS and have pretty huge damage shields. That's the problem with the game in the first place, it's all about investing solely into stamina or magicka, screw health you got food for that. I can have all my stats in stamina and heal for over 15k using vigor alone but don't worry I got rally too.
Softcaps were pretty helpful back then as there wasn't such a disparity back then as it is now.
Yes shields should be based off of health, it's not like you as a mag dk have access to one shield you have 3 and potentially 4, so don't come crying about your shields especially when you can stack them. Igneous shield isn't even that bad imo as a stam dk it does just fine, I'd rather not have it increased as that would benefit us too much especially with major mending.
Heals based off health isn't necessarily a bad thing depending on how you look at it. I think as I stated before it'll be bad but exploring that region is a step in the right direction. We need heals to not solely be based off your spell damage and max resource which is what's giving that huge difference. You can fight a mag templar who has high damage and high healing now is it fair.. No it's not.
I feel the game shouldn't be telling you to solely invest in one stat for the best outcome but multiple stats for a balanced outcome that provides sustain.
Our goal is to make it more valuable to spend points in health instead of just going all magicka or stamina. The reason this is so powerful is you're getting to deal more damage and heal yourself for more by maxing offensive stats. The current design is still in progress, so l don't have concrete details for you right now.[–]ZOS_eWrobel
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »
PvP needs some adjustments in all honestly I feel that shields should be based off max health like Igneous shield and they should have buffs applied like Major ward or Minor ward so they cannot be stacked but if this happens the duration should be increased/reinstated.
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »@Zakor
Your first thing about shields made no sense to me when it came to your DK. You want your igneous shield to be stronger for your allys well that's just not going to happen the shield is mainly a buff skill that provides you a bit of shielding so no it's fine where it's at. Igneous shield does fine as it is now especially on my stam dk which is what I'm getting at. If you want to shield your entire group then you can invest in bastion like most mag dks do and use it although it won't be as strong it'll still take the damage + it's not like you do not have healing ward. If you feel that oh this is for a trial well sorry buddy I haven't seen anyone run a mag dk as the main healer at all and I doubt that'll start as we do not have things to restore our groups stamina easily or provide a burst heal when needed.
We as DKs aren't the 'tankiest class' we can block 10% more damage and that's literally it, if that makes us tanky then I'm not sure how your view points stack up with mine. Dks only damage is to rely on DoTs that get purged easily or healed through easily. I've got no problem with a Magplar but if they're a tank magplar then that's a problem. You talk about reduce their healing when well you can purify/purge that instantly soo yeah. Sorcs can place insane amounts of shielding upon themselves, the only way to win a fight against a sorc like that is the shield breaker set.
Your approach also seems one sided if you want to make heals for magicka scale off of max resource while stamina heals scale off of mix resource/regen then that again isn't a good approach at all. You have to make it even based now you may think well "Oh certain class styles are better than X" well that's true but magicka classes who are healing have more access to major mending + will spend more CP in their healing done opposed to that of a stamina build.
Honestly I feel that wrobel will experiment with something along the side of my idea as he stated something about making us less rely on max resource in the reddit q/a.Our goal is to make it more valuable to spend points in health instead of just going all magicka or stamina. The reason this is so powerful is you're getting to deal more damage and heal yourself for more by maxing offensive stats. The current design is still in progress, so l don't have concrete details for you right now.[–]ZOS_eWrobel
Link if you want actual evidence
Rune_Relic wrote: »lordrichter wrote: »First, we need a next ESO Live...
Is this maternity related or just busy busy ?
I liked ESO live but if Gina is busy with the baby then
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »PvP cannot and will not ever be balanced because it's also PvE impacted.
The absolute only way to balance both is to seperate both completely.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »PvP cannot and will not ever be balanced because it's also PvE impacted.
The absolute only way to balance both is to seperate both completely.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »MaxwellCrystal wrote: »PvP needs some adjustments in all honestly I feel that shields should be based off max health like Igneous shield and they should have buffs applied like Major ward or Minor ward so they cannot be stacked but if this happens the duration should be increased/reinstated.
Which shields no longer scale based on max health?
Thought it was only the sorc class shield that scales with max magicka and bone shield with max stamina, but all others max health.