One of the things that jars me in combat it constantly having to switch focus from the enemy to the various different pieces of the HUD to try and hunt for the relevant information my brain needs to determine my next course of action.
All of which not only takes time to locate the information but completely pulls you are of combat repeatedly.
The problem to me is using the eyes that can only really focus on one thing at a time.
There is another option of course.
Our Ears.
Thieves troves have an easily identifiable and locatable tone that is neither jarring or unpleasant.
Ultimate being ready also has an identifiable tone although it can be lost within all the other sound effects.
So my request if for audio tones for health,magicka,stamina.
Tones that change according to depletion levels.
Maybe a heartbeat or similar that increases pace with reduced health.
This means my eyes can focus on the enemy and only the enemy,
My ears can tell me when I need to rebuild my health, magicka or stamina.
Edited by Rune_Relic on November 5, 2016 9:40AM Anything that can be exploited will be exploited