Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Where is everyone? X1 NA

So...Cyrodiil is basically empty. Campaigns are either controlled by a single faction and/or empty. And why do you have to wait 3 days to change a guest campaign? Is there some sort of technical reason?

This is my 1st MMO so I don't know what a typical PvP environment looks like. Is there a way to give Cyrodiil either more of a purpose or maybe open up a new PvP zone of some sort? Bottom line is people go there to fight against other humans, taking Keep's and so on really doesn't mean a thing except for the 1 dude who is emp and hasn't slept in 3 days. So if there is no one to fight against its nothing but a horse simulator and some wolves.

Dueling random people is crazy fun but I think it might have left Cyrodiil a broken down city. Next thing you know it will be full of breweries, beards, beanies and weirdly skinny dudes with fake glasses and no jobs. Well, first it has to go through the 'scary gang' phase to drive real-estate prices into the ground.
Mediocre AD StamDK.
BiS wine drinker.
Award winning dog owner.
Disappointing husband.
  • Isellskooma
    It's probably beacause people are still grinding the new gear or just don't want to deal with skill less proc sets. But usually Haedrus and Scourge always have at least 2-3 bars on faction. The rest of the servers usually have 1-2 bars for each faction.
  • Neoauspex
  • jellicles
    So...Cyrodiil is basically empty. Campaigns are either controlled by a single faction and/or empty. And why do you have to wait 3 days to change a guest campaign? Is there some sort of technical reason?

    If memory serves the wait time was to enforce population stability and reduce carpet bagging. Just before this rule change one could pay a token amount of AP (was it 5,000 AP?) to transfer campaigns. There was a lot of collective moaning that a faction could pull in reinforcements too easily because of this low tax so the wait time was used to limit rampant transfers from one campaign to the next by folks not committed to the campaign.

    Perhaps someone with a better memory than I can provide insight but I believe that was the reason.
  • thankyourat
    Haderus is full all the time pretty much.
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    ^^this. These days it's haderus or bust. Haddy hasn't even been laggy recently.
  • MightyBantam34
    If it's anything like Eu people are quitting the game or just not going into pvp anymore . Eu main campaign has 1 bar blue 1 bar red 2 bar yellow all other campaigns no bars and this is prime time, I'm afraid the pvp is just not fun anymore for most , little or no skill required 2 seconds fighting 5 minutes horse simulator!
  • Calboy
    little or no skill required 2 seconds fighting 5 minutes horse simulator!
    Pretty much summed up my pvp experience. Jump on horse, ride to the action, get ganked while on horse, 2 seconds later I'm dead from procs, respawn at keep and start horse simulator. I just can't understand why zos can't seem to look at the state of pvp and realise things need adjusting, and the answer isn't to decrease the time to kill like in every patch. They need to implement changes that increase combat time but at the same time have it so over time our resources are drained and the healing can't keep up with the damage and some one dies regardless of how well someone may stack resource regeneration.
  • Vaoh
    Where did everyone go?

    Well it's actually pretty simple. Players have either quit PvP until the terrible balancing is addressed or have quit ESO entirely.

    Stamina is over the top, and proc sets are utterly broken. Skill cap to be a "good" player in PvP has been reduced to nothing thanks to Heavy Armor being freaking OP, Stamina being OP, and the host of broken OP proc sets.

    Their solution to balancing PvP in Dark brotherhood/SotH was not to nerf these things, but rather to turn the next 16 monster sets into even more OP proc sets that served to hurt both the game engine (more lag) and PvP alike. At the moment we are stuck in an awkward position where all balance has been screwed.... and yes it's that bad.

    I remember back when Black Rose was considered super OP because it made terrible players good thanks to being the all-in-one PvP set for playing at an advantage vs. those not wearing it. It used to be so easy to balance the PvP in this game and make it super popular again.

    All it would've taken (for the most part) was flipping around some numbers. If you were to ask me how to fix PvP NOW, I honestly couldn't tell you. My only hope is that Wrobel figures it out because the server population DOES NOT LIE. No one is skipping out on PvP to solely run pledges anymore. They are skipping it because being competitive means running the OP, skill-less setups that shouldn't even be possible to have.

    To top it off, I'll just link a set I find to be the pinnacle of imbalance:


    Huge AoE burst, 70% AoE snare for 8 seconds, and the ability to get it to proc every 4 seconds.... meaning this is often proceed every four skills uses or so. You can pair this two piece with any other Proc set for one shots (Viper's Sting, Widowmaker..... both Viper's Sting AND Widowmaker -_-)

    At least PvE is a lot of fun people! ZOS did great on that. I'd find another game for PvP right now if that's why you're playing this patch.
    Edited by Vaoh on November 5, 2016 12:48AM
  • thankyourat
    Haderus sucks though all everyone does is camp there whole alliance in outposts. It makes all the fights super zergy. Not many fights anymore just a large 3 way battle at bleakers or sejanus. It's hard to find any fun in haderus
  • Stoopid_Nwah
    I was hoping the other campaigns would pick up a bit after the festival, but they're still all at 0 bars anytime I'm on. For constant fights at any time, it feels like the only option is Haderus...but I can't stand being kicked to the dashboard anytime I'm near the zerg v zerg v zerg fights :expressionless:.

    Pretty sure a decent amount of people are just farming gear and dueling, but the other bunch probably just quit pvp or the game entirely due to balance (or lack thereof).

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