First, I'll admit that it is my own carelessness that gets me into this situation, but there is a fundamental design faut pas that should really be addressed.
A convenience is provided by the UI at set crafting locations which enables us to make regular non-set gear. I get that we may be lacking the # of traits to make every set so we have the option to fill that piece in with a regular piece. Great! Thank you Zos.
But, the regular set should not be the default when you open the UI. We travel specifically to these places for the purpose of making set gear. How many of us accidentally started crafting without tabbing over to the set option? I know I've done it a few times. The worst was when I made 5 pcs of CP160 medium and lost all of the leather I had been farming for days! Wasn't very happy! We should have to make extra steps and tab over to get to the normal stuff. Since it is a special location for a specific set, the UI should reflect that immediately upon activation. Please make this very simple adjustment Zos! I'm sure that many of us would be very grateful.