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Help re: heal DoT's, do they stack, what CP affect them, etc (in PvE)


I'm wondering how DoT heals work - these are tied to Dual Wield skills as well as Nightblade skills - regarding how/if they stack, and what CP would affect them.

DW - Blood Craze morph of Twin Slashes causes the Damage caused by the bleed dot to heal you
NB Siphoning - Strife heals you for 25% of damage done every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.

Would these skills stack? So if you cast Strife then BC you would have both healing effects on you? Or would only the highest heal skill apply?

Also, what happens if you were to spam BC - would you never get healed as you constantly reset the bleed dot, or only healed for maybe the 1st bleed dot effect? Or would you still get healed for what the whole bleed dot would have done? And what about multi-targets? If you hit 2 targets with BC, do you get 2 lots of heals from both bleed Dots, or just 1 heal dot?

Same with Strife - does this stack, or just overwrite itself? ie so use skill with 6 seconds left, skill resets back to 10 seconds and healing based on last damage done? so better to at least not use skill for ~3 seconds to ensure healing is done at least somewhat? And what about multi-targets? If you hit 2 targets with Strife, do you get 2 lots of 10-second heal dots on you, or just 1?

And what CP would affect these?

Quick Recovery - I'm assuming this would boost the healing from both these skills, or any other healing skill right? As it boost's healing received.

Thaumaturge - As this increases DoT damage, it would boost healing caused by BC right? Since higher damage = higher heals?

Blessed - increases the healing done. Does this affect self-healing skills like BC, Strife, Templar's Jab's, etc? Or just healing done to other players?

Also, DW's Bloodthirst morph of Flurry... this is similar to Templar's Jabs right? Although it's single-target? And only heals from the last hit, while Jabs heals from the whole damage done to all targets it hits (which is really, really, really great at keeping health up when fighting vs 3+ targets! lol)

So single-target, how comparable would the self-healing be for a NB going Strife->BC->Bloodthirst compared to a Templar just spamming Jabs (assuming same CP 160, invested in same CP skills, same relevant armor sets, similar mag/sta stats, etc)(again, for PvE questing, exploring, etc)

I'm also assuming that Templar would be superior regarding AoE, due to NB skills being single-target while Templar Jabs hits multiple targets and heals for a % of all damage done, which means Jabs is doing heaps of damage vs multiple targets. NB would have to spam Strife->BC on all targets.. which takes time - and I have enough trouble just spamming Vamp Fire on 3+ targets, let along trying to hit 2-3+ targets with 2 skills each. Or would NB just be better off focusing on 1 target at a time... or switching to AoE damage with no healing and try to kill them b4 dying?
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