dbonifaci_ESO wrote: »So I'm currently C180. I have 5/5 epic marksman, full stam enchants on them. I have c160 mace/sword of agility, epic quality, bow/neck of veiled heritance, and the remaining pieces are a mix of c160 epic gear. I am sitting at like 12.5k unbuffed hp, and 23k stamina. This seems really low for full 160 gear. What am I missing, because my dps feels terrible, and I'm not sure where my next steps are to try and upgrade.
Do I have to spend months trying to get my crafting to the point I can upgrade all of it to gold gear?
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »1st is this a PvE build or PvP, second your health needs to be about 18k easily, next 180cp is not alot, find a place and start grinding, 561 is good.. and no im not an elitest just being honest.
Legendary weapons and equipment is needed at end game, rank 2 veteran dungeons and PvP, as there are many predators there just waiting to kill you that are at max cp and use legendary equipment.
if your a Stamina build, you need to get Vigor for self heals, its that good and basically mandatory..
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »1st is this a PvE build or PvP, second your health needs to be about 18k easily, next 180cp is not alot, find a place and start grinding, 561 is good.. and no im not an elitest just being honest.
Legendary weapons and equipment is needed at end game, rank 2 veteran dungeons and PvP, as there are many predators there just waiting to kill you that are at max cp and use legendary equipment.
if your a Stamina build, you need to get Vigor for self heals, its that good and basically mandatory..
N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »Try and level undaunted (daily dungeon missions) the Pasives give 6% more health stam and magic. 6% really does add up