2 Minor Things To Fix

After leveling my sorc up to try some heavy attack builds, I've noticed two minor things:

Firstly, skill lines and weapon lines do not level fast enough. This makes it so my maxed out character in nice gear will have to slot spells and abilities not intended for the build just to simply get them ready to morph and level up the dang skill line to it's max. I would recommend that the skills lines EXP be lowered so that at level 50 is when most people should be hitting their max in weapon lines and skill lines.

Secondly, heavy and light attack sets are unbalanced.Undaunted Infiltrator has 1120 extra damage on full heavy attack after using an ability and Sergeant has 1577 on heavy attack. Embershield, Sunderflame, IA, and Elegant outpace those two by leagues as well are be far more interesting mechanics wise. Pretty sure Maelstrom staff still beats most of these with regards to heavy attack. Also, the lightning staff doesn't continue to cycle through it's heavy attack at time when weaving. This makes the game-play around the heavy attack builds very clunky.

Note: Shalidor's Curse and Morkuldin should be looked at as their dps and healing factors are more niche than useful. I would recommend a bump in numbers or more utility (maybe a better AI for the spectre weapon from Morkuldin?).
Yeetus that fetus

Youtube: Pandalius (Panda)
Twitch: Pandalius
Beam: Pandalius
Twitter: Pandalius
  • Unsent.Soul
    1) if you level up efficiently, you won't have that problem. I've had all 3 class lines, 2 weapon lines, and all 3 armor done by 50. All skills unlocked and able to be morphed in those said trees.

  •  Panda_iMunch
    1) if you level up efficiently, you won't have that problem. I've had all 3 class lines, 2 weapon lines, and all 3 armor done by 50. All skills unlocked and able to be morphed in those said trees.

    Idk, I've leveled up two guys since the change in the leveling system and it seems that they have quite a bit of work to be done when they hit level 50. It seems that the scaling still takes into account the first 160 cp, but kinda messes with you if you have max cp already. Never had this issue til the new update.
    Yeetus that fetus

    Youtube: Pandalius (Panda)
    Twitch: Pandalius
    Beam: Pandalius
    Twitter: Pandalius
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