Hey guys,
From what I've researched, the Viper gear has almost a 100% chance to drop from bosses in Fungal I &II, last night I ran several runs of both and only walked away with 1 blue.
Can someone confirm whether or not there's a limit to how many pieces you can acquire per week or something?
Thank you.
I bought each piece from vendors for 10k each.
Vipers is BoP is it not? I call bull.
AzraelKrieg wrote: »
Might be some old BoE pieces still floating around from prior to the udpate
SublimeSparo wrote: »Yay meta!
I gotta be honest, I'm not happy with the current proc meta either. But when it comes to PvP in Cyrodiil, I'm not taking a spoon into a gunfight.
Vipers is BoP is it not? I call bull.