Looking for a guild called Elder scrolls Veterans

Specifically their store, anyone a part of this guild or seen their guild store?
Guild Leader of The Crimson Moon PVE/PVP NA
Join CM! http://thecrimsonmoon.enjin.com/page/724665/recruitment?gid=72859-0

Kaoru Nandrak - V16 DK Stamina DPS 2h/Heavy
Jaoul Deathbringer - V16 NB Stamina DPS DW/Medium
Zantare Deshuld - V16 NB Magicka Sap Tank S&B/Heavy
Jarl Nan'Drak - Sorc Magika DPS 2h/Light
Vilder Ymirson- Temp Magika DPS DW/Light
Graywulf Odakai- DK Magika Tank S&B/Heavy
  • AlienSlof
    I'm in a German guild called Elder Scrolls Veterams, but that's on the EU server and is more of a trials/dungeons guild than trading. They have a trader intermittently.

    I notice you're on NA, so it can't be them. :)

    Edited by AlienSlof on October 26, 2016 9:41AM
    RIP Atherton, my beautiful little gentle friend. I will miss you forever. Without you I am a hollow shell.
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