Quest "Forever Hold Your Peace" is Broken

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I've tried completing this quest several times and it is just bugged for me. I've sent in a couple of tickets but get the generic try restarting the quest. Has anyone else run in to the following problem and if so were you able to solve it.

I get up to the point where I've gotten Zeira into the palace and my quest tip say "Escort Zeira to the Palace" which I do and we listen to Cosi (however you spell his name) welcome the guests. Then Zeira runs back to a table behind us and just stands there. I can't talk to her and my quest tip still says to Escort her to the Palace. Am I missing something, because I've tried interacting with her and everyone else. I've even stolen the kitchen key from the servant which wont work on the kitchen door (still greyed out).

Please help since there is no way for me to complete the thieves guild quest-line with out getting past this
  • Saoirse_Siobhan
    Have you tried leaving the area and returning? Or maybe just abandon the quest and try again?

    EDIT : just saw the date this was posted, I hope you haven't been stuck there since :/
    Edited by Saoirse_Siobhan on October 28, 2016 10:05PM
    PC/EU DC
  • Nestor
    From the UESP:

    Speak to Zeira in Thieves Den.
    Acquire a wedding invitation and let Silver-Claw forge a copy.
    Choose your date for the wedding.
    Choose a suitable outfit for the wedding.
    Present your invitation and enter the wedding.
    Distract the surroundings to help disguised Zeira enter the palace.
    Listen to the Chief Inspector Rhanbiq present Cosh.
    Find a way inside the palace and gain information about Magnifica Falorah's whereabouts.
    Speak to Magnifica Falorah.
    Find a hidden exit out of Falorah's room.
    Attend the wedding ceremony.
    Escape the wedding with your date.
    Return to Thieves Den.

    Have you done all the steps?

    Also, have you tried just finding a way inside the palace after Zeira goes behind the table? I have done this quest twice and did not have any issues with it.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • JuniperTwist
    I have tried leaving the area and returning, restarting the quest several times, and even choosing a different follower when i restart and no change. it is bugged for me as well. I can't do thieves guild questline because of it. It's been a known issue to ZOS since at least March of this year, check out this thread:

    Apparently there was a hotfix back in June that was supposed to fix it, and it worked for some people but it didn't do anything for me. I've submitted tickets and the only response I get is basically "welp sorry that you're screwed. we've informed devs about it.."

    I want to do thieves guild so bad :(
  • Prazoot
    Still not working for me. I tried all the steps people talked about (Deleting quest, trying different dates, different ways to get Zeira in, etc...) it always gets stuck after Cosh speech where based on the walk throughs I should be able to talk to Zeira, but she just stands there and ignores me.

    I'm pretty bummed since I wanted this toon to be my thief/assassin but no luck there. Has anyone tried completing this using a different toon? I.e. is it a problem at the account level or just the character level?

  • Fenrod
    Soul Shriven
    Based on testing with a friend, we believe we have figured out the source of this bug.

    This quest chain has multiple “Talk to Zeira” steps. The pointer to the “Talk to Zeira” step triggered after the escort (and Nicholas reveal) is pointing to the “Talk to Zeira” step before the escort and reveal.

    This bug is specific to a particular character who can bug the quest for others in their party.

    My friend’s quest would never bug unless I was with him in the instance. It bugged every time I was with him and every time I went in alone – including times I logged out after getting past it with the steps below.

    Re-logging, re-loading, dropping the quest, repairing the client, disabling add-ons, waiting for a server restart, picking different dates had absolutely no impact.

    If you get this bug, log out at the bugged step and perform the 5 steps below.

    Here is how we fixed it:
    1. The bugged player gets to the bugged step (stuck at “Escort Zeira to the Palace”)
    2. The bugged player exits the instance and joins a party with the good player
    3. The good player goes into the instance alone and advances the quest to the point where they get the quest marker on Zeira at the table (“Talk to Zeira” after the escort) but they do not talk to Zeira
    4. The bugged player enters the instance. They will get the “Talk to Zeira” step and the good player will seem like they are in another instance until the bugged player approaches them at the table.
    5. When the bugged player talks to Zeira, they will be at the proper step. They can then advance.

    You can verify that you are past the bug when you get the right text when you talk to Zeira at the table.

    When my friend left, I got stuck at the “Enter the Kitchen” step until we did the 5 steps above again and he went with me. I also got stuck at the “Attend the Wedding” step after he left. It seems like Zeira keeps reverting back to the step before the escort.

    I never got rid of the bug. My friend was able to help me over the gaps but it appears that if Zeira is bugged for a character, she stays bugged.

    We tested this fix 5 times and it worked every time.

    Have fun
  • Caligamy_ESO
    So this is STILL bugged... :/
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Can someone please take a second look at this quest because the fixes don't seem to be working years later. Can never finish this DLC story line because of the state of this.
    love is love
  • Dashmatt
    So this is STILL bugged... :/
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Can someone please take a second look at this quest because the fixes don't seem to be working years later. Can never finish this DLC story line because of the state of this.

    Can confirm this. I had the previous bug preventing me from finishing this quest for a long time. I can finally get into the palace, and the wedding never starts. Super disappointing. I’ve tried restarting it twice.
  • Ice_Killa
    Soul Shriven
    Dashmatt wrote: »
    Can confirm this. I had the previous bug preventing me from finishing this quest for a long time. I can finally get into the palace, and the wedding never starts. Super disappointing. I’ve tried restarting it twice.
    Same. I'm stuck on stage with a wedding ceremony that doesn't start. Enable / disable add-ons, refused from the quest, reloaded the location, but the quest did not continue.
    Edited by Ice_Killa on March 11, 2019 7:26AM
  • Ice_Killa
    Soul Shriven
    Quest still dont working :(
  • KoeKhaos
    Still broken in 2021. Went into quest with Companion active, nothing happened at "Attend Wedding". Relogged, still nothing. Abandoned and did whole quest again without companion, still nothing. Abandoned, logged out for 15 minutes, did whole quest again and still nothing at Attend Wedding. This is frustrating!
  • KoeKhaos
    I've now abandoned the quest again and waited two days and tried again. Still broken. Sent in a ticket.
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