I've tried completing this quest several times and it is just bugged for me. I've sent in a couple of tickets but get the generic try restarting the quest. Has anyone else run in to the following problem and if so were you able to solve it.
I get up to the point where I've gotten Zeira into the palace and my quest tip say "Escort Zeira to the Palace" which I do and we listen to Cosi (however you spell his name) welcome the guests. Then Zeira runs back to a table behind us and just stands there. I can't talk to her and my quest tip still says to Escort her to the Palace. Am I missing something, because I've tried interacting with her and everyone else. I've even stolen the kitchen key from the servant which wont work on the kitchen door (still greyed out).
Please help since there is no way for me to complete the thieves guild quest-line with out getting past this