Well, I'm all over the place with CP. Stamina build does well with 100 into mighty the rest wherever. I never see much benefit putting more than 30 into thermaturge. Magic build is a bit different. 100 into elemental doesn't seem to really make me hit extra hard. But the Dots seem to be much better affected by thermaturge, and making crit hit harder is good for any build it seems.
I have been told a few times the middle Tree is worthless and don't put anything in there.....so I have to put at least 10 there whatever the class is using. Just because.
Even with all these CP and legendary gears, I struggle to really feel like a real powerhouse of a player. I try to work on rotation, set skills to order square triangle circle L1 R1; weaving, ani cancel etc.
It always seems to me that stam hits hard, but has weak dots and Magic hits soft but has Strong dots. Maybe it's better to play CP to their strength? Trying to balance things seems to make me weaker overall.
I don't put much stock into precise strikes or spell erosion because it seems running sharpened and a debuff well...I heard you cannot over penetrate anything, and I got to be getting close.
So, am I on the right path here?