Mist form with Eye of the Storm

So, when i enter in mist form the ultimate stops, then goes back when i'm out of it.
Is this intended or a bug?

Just wanted to streak inside a zerg with Eye of the storm and mist form inside it (like GW2), but didn't work... why so much hate against magicka in pvp ZOS??

In the mean time, tremorscale with proc sets is working better than I expected in my stamblade, but that's boring to play with.
  • mook-eb16_ESO
    yes you cant attack while in mistform
  • gangrel206
    well, i used to cast bat swarm and mist form and worked... was this nerfed? going to test it later if i still can do this...
    just to be clear, i'm casting eye of the storm first, then i mist form when the storm is around me, i'm not trying to cast while in mist form


    Actually it works, just tested on mobs, it does damage but the animation is glitched, doesn't show the lightning (pics below from both bat swarm and eye of the storm)

    Edited by gangrel206 on October 25, 2016 8:39PM
  • ArgoCye
    LOL - I wanted to do this, but will now have to review my set-up. I was hoping mist-form would at least keep the ulti going ... quite sad that it doesn't.
  • gangrel206
    it does work, i've tested yesteday (see the damage in the screenshot), just the animation that is glitched
    Edited by gangrel206 on October 26, 2016 1:25PM
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